![]() Modelling & Simulation
siehe auch: Frühe deutsche Literatur zum Systemdenken, u. a. Operations Research Definitionen von Operations Research Herkunft des Operations Research (ca. 1940-1960) Herkunft des Operations Research: Zitate
siehe ferner: Systemdenken “am Wendepunkt” (1975) Literatur zu den Weltmodellen (1958-2004)
Für Operations Research (ab 1949), Entscheidungsmodelle (ab 1949) und Decision analysis (ab 1959) siehe ferner: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungstheorie Literatur: Modelle in Ökonomie und Ökonometrie Literatur: Systemwissenschaft 1940-1960 deutsch Literatur: Systemwissenschaft 1940-1960 englisch
Bibliographische Zusammenstellungen:
Martin Shubik: Bibliography on Simulation, Gaming, Artificial Intelligence and Allied Topics. Journal of the American Statistical Association 55.292, Dec. 1960, 736-751 (147 titles on simulation since 1950). Per Holst: Computer simulation 1951-1976. An index to the literature. London: Mansell 1979.
Necia Grant Cooper, Roger Eckhardt, Nancy Shera (Hrsg.): From Cardinals to Chaos. Cambridge University Press 1969 (Reminiscences around Stanislaw Ulam). Roger Eckhardt: Stan Ulam, John von Neumann and the Monte Carlo method. Los Alamos Science, Special issue 1987, 131-136 (on the roots of computer simulation 1946).
From „Oxford English Dictionary“: 1947 Jrnl. Inst. Electr. Engineers XCIV. IIA. 117/1 The ensuing sections will..describe the simulations of the separate [servo] units
John R. Ragazzini, Robert H. Randall, Frederick A.
Russell: Analysis of Problems in Dynamics by Electronic Circuits. Proceedings
of the IRE 35.5, May 1947, 444-452; Clifford Dixon Firestone: Sufficient conditions for the modelling of axiomatic set theory. Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University 1947.
U. S. Air Force. Planning Research Div.: Project SCOOP (Scientific Computation of Optimum Programs), Letter 170-3, Oct. 13, 1948: „The primary objective of Project SCOOP is the devbelopment of an advanced design for an integrated and comprehensive system for the planning and control of all Air Force activities. The recenct development of high-speed digital electronic computers presages an extensive application of mathematics to large-scale management problems of the quantitative type. Project SCOOP is designed to prepare the Air Force to take maximum advantage of these developments. The basic principle of SCOOP is the simulation of Air Force operations by large sets of simultaneous equations.“
T. W. Anderson, Kenneth Joseph Arrow, J. E. Walsh: A Mathematical Model of an Air Transportation System. RAND Corp. RM-224. Nicholas Metropolis, Stanislaw Ulam: The Monte Carlo Method. Journal of the American Statistical Association 44.247, September 1949, 335-341.
N. F. Morehouse, R. H. Strotz, S. J. Horwitz: An Electro-Analog Method for Investigating Problems in Economic Dynamics; Inventory Oscillations. Econometrica 18.4, 1950, October 1950, 313-328. Harry Herbert Goode: Simulation – Its Place in System Design. Proceedings of Institute of Radio Engineers 39, 1951, 1501-1506. W. E. Smith et al.: An Electronic Analogue for an Economic System. Electrical Engineering, April 1952. John L. Kennedy: The Uses and Limitations of Mathematical Models, Game Theory and Systems Analysis in Planning and Problem Solution. RAND Corp. P-266, 1952. RAND-Corp.: On the Use and Limitations of Mathematical Models. The Theory of Games and Systems Analysis. Management Science 5 (1952), Nr. 3. Eric John Barker: Modelling Geography. London: Ginn 1954. B. G. Farley, W. A. Clarke: Simulation of self-organizing systems by digital computers. Proc. IRE 4, 76 (1954). Cuthbert C. Hurd: Simulation by Computation as an Operations Research Tool. Operations Research 2.2, May 1954, 205-207.
Walter Walery Soroka: Analog Methods in Computation and Simulation. London: McGraw-Hill 1954;
N. L. Irvine, L. Davis: Simulation by Modeling. Proc. (AFIPS) Western Joint Comput. Conf., Vol. 7, 1955, 13-15. R. P. Rich: Simulation as an aid in model
building. Operations Research 3, 1955, 15-19; Richard Stone: Model Building and the Social
Accounts. A Survey. Income and Wealth 1955, 27-77; W. E. Alberts: System simulation. Proc. Seventh Annual Nat. Conf. AIIE, Columbus, Ohio 1956. Paul F. Dunn, Charles D. Flagle, Philip A. Hicks: The Queuiac: An Electromechanical Analog for the Simulation of Waiting-Line Problems. Operations Research 4.6, Dec. 1956, 648-662. N. Phillips: The General circulation of the Atmosphere: A Numerical Experiment. Quat. J. R. Met. Soc. 82. 352, 1956, 123-164. M. H. Blitz: Digital Computers as Simulators of Dynamic Industrial Problems. Cambridge, Mass.: M. I. T. 1957. David Gale: The theory of matrix games and linear economic models. Providence: Dept. of Mathematics, Brown University 1957. F. M. Ricciardi et al.: Top Management Decision Simulation. American Management Association 1957. Walter Joseph Karplus: Analog Simulation. Solution of Field Problems. New York: McGraw-Hill 1958. L. J. Silk: The Gentle Art of Simulation. Business Week, 1525, November 29, 1958. Walter Joseph Karplus, Walter Walery Soroka: Analog Methods. Computation and Simulation. New York: Mc-Graw Hill 1959. Allen Newell, Herbert Alexander Simon: The Simulation of Human Thought. RAND Corporation (P-1734), Santa Monica, California, 1959.
David Gale: The Theory of Linear Economic Models. New York: McGraw-Hill 1960; erneut Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1989. Donald G. Malcolm: Bibliography on the use of simulation in management analysis. Operations Research 8.2, 1960, 169-177. Martin Shubik: Bibliography on simulation, gaming, artificial intelligence, and allied topics. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 55, 1960, 736-751. Jay W. Forrester: Industrial Dynamics. Cambridge, Mass.: Productivity Press/ Wiley/ MIT Press 1961; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1980; Nachdruck Cambridge, Mass.: Productivity 1990, ebenfalls zahlreiche Aufl. H. C. Hottel: Fire modeling. In W. G. Berl (Hrsg.): The Use of Models in Fire Research. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Publication 786, 1961. Guy H. Orcutt, Martin Greenberger, John Korbel, Alice M. Rivlin: Microanalysis of Socioeconomic Systems. A Simulation Study. New York: Harper & Row 1961; erneut 1965. Herbert Alexander Simon: Modeling human mental processes. Proc. (AFIPS) Western Joint Comput. Conf., Vol. 19, 1961, 111-120. Knut Bleicher: Unternehmungsspiele. Simulationsmodelle für unternehmerische Entscheidungen. Baden-Baden: Gehlen/ Verlag für Unternehmensführung 1962. Harold Borko (Hrsg.): Computer Applications in the Behavioral Sciences. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 1962. Harold Steere Guetzkow (Hrsg.): Simulation in Social Science. Readings. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall 1962. Daniel C. Suits: Forecasting and Analysis With an Econometric Model. American Economic Review 52, 1962, 104-132. Charles P. Bonini: Simulation of Information and Decision Systems in the Firm. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 1963; erneut Chicago: Markham 1967. C. West Churchman: An analysis of the concept of simulation. In Austin Curwood Hoggatt, Frederick E. Balderston (Hrsg.): Symposium [1961] on Simulation Models: Methodology and Applications to Behavioral Sciences. Cinicinnati, Ohio: South-Western 1963, 1-12. Harold Steere Guetzkow, Chadwick F. Alger, Richard A. Brody, Robert C. Noel, Richard C. Snyder: Simulation in International Relations. Developments for Research and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 1963. Austin Curwood Hoggatt, Frederick E. Balderston (Hrsg.): Symposium [1961] on Simulation Models: Methodology and Applications to Behavioral Sciences. Cinicinnati, Ohio: South-Western 1963. Edward N. Lorenz: Deterministic nonperiodic flow. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 20, 1963, 130-141 (simulation for weather forecasting). A. J. Rowe: Simulation - A Decision-Aiding Tool, AJJE International Conference Proceedings, New York 1963. Kenneth M. Sayre, Frederick J. Crosson (Hrsg.): The Modeling of Mind. Computers and Intelligence. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press 1963; paperback new York: Simon and Schuster 1968. Silvan S. Tomkins, Samuel Messick (Hrsg.): Computer Simulation of Personality. Frontier of Psychological Theory. New York: Wiley 1963; erneut 1965.
Zeitschrift: Simulation. Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1963ff
Keith Douglas Tocher: The Art of Simulation. London: English Universities Press 1963; Princeton, N. J.: Van Nostrand 1964. Richard F. Reiss (Ed.): Neural Theory and Modelling, Proceedings oft the 1962 OJAI Symposium. Stanford University Press 1964. Herrman O. A. Wold: Econometric Model Building. Essays on the Causal Chain Approach. Monaco: Union Européenne d’Editions/ Amsterdam: North-Holland 1964.
Knut Bleicher: Unternehmungsspiele. Entscheidungsmodelle zur Ausbildung und Strategie in der Wirtschaft. Betriebswirtschaftliche Probleme, Bd. 2, Zürich: Buchverlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1965, 73-78. W. Ross Ashby: Modeling the brain. Proceedings, IBM Scientific Computing Symposium on Simulation Models and Gaming. New York 1966. R. M. Cyert :A description and evaluation of some firm simulations. Proceedings, IBM Scientific Computing Symposium on Simulation Models and Gaming. New York 1966. N. H. Frijda: Problems of computer simulation. Behavioral Science 12, 1967, 59-67. C. Hermann: Validation problems in games and simulations. Behavioral Science 12,1967, 216-231. P. J. Kiviat: Digital Computer Simulation: Modeling Concepts. RAND Report, RM-5378, 1967. Jiri Klir, Miroslav Valach: Cybernetic Modelling. London, Prag 1967 (czech. 1965). J. L. McKenney: Critique of ‘Verification of Computer Simulation Models'. Management Science 14, 1967, B102-103. William Morris: On the Art of Modeling, Management Science 13.12, August 1967. Thomas H. Naylor, J. M. Finger: Verification of Computer Simulation Models. Management Science 14 , 1967, B92-B101. E. M. Bartee: Engineering Experimental Design Fundamentals. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1968. William D. Coplin (Hrsg.): Simulation in the Study of Politics. Chicago: Markham 1968; 3. Aufl. 1970. S. E. Elmaghraby: The Role of Modeling in I. E. Design. Journal of Industrial Engineering 19. 6, June 1968. Francis F. Martin: Computer Modelling and Simulation. New York: Wiley 1968. John McLeod (Ed.): Simulation. The dynamic modeling of ideas and systems with computers. New York: McGraw-Hil 1968. Geoffrey Gordon: System Simulation. Englewood Cliffs,
N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1969; 2. Aufl. 1978. C. F. Hermann: Crisis in Foreign Policy. A Simulation Analysis. New York: Bobbs-Merrill 1969. H. Koller: Simulation. In Erwin Grochla (Hrsg.): Handwörterbuch der Organisation. Stuttgart: Poeschel 1969, 1486-1498. Robert Charles Meier: Simulation in Business and Economics. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall 1969. Ian I. Mitroff: Fundamental Issues in the Simulation of Human Behavior: A Case in the Strategy of Behavioral Science. Management Science 15.12, 1969, B635-B649. E. S. Quade: An extended concept of ‘Model'. In J. Lawrence (Hrsg.): Proceedings, Fifth Conference on Operational Research. England, 1969, 173-180.
John R. Raser: Simulation and Society. An Exploration of Scientific Gaming. Boston Allyn & Bacon 1969; 4. Aufl. 1972; Arthur I. Siegel, J. Jay Wolf: Man-Machine Simulation Models. Psychosocial and Performance Interaction. New York: Wiley 1969. R. L. Sisson: Simulation: Uses; K. D. Tocher: Simulation: Languages. In Julius S. Aronofsky (Hrsg.): Progress in Operations Research, vol. III: Relationships Between Operations Research and the Computer. New York: Wiley 1969. R. Van Horn: Validation. In T. H. Naylor (Hrsg.): The Design of Computer Simulation Experiments. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press 1969, 232-251.
Zeitschrift: Simulation & Games. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage 1970-1989. Michael J. Apter: The Computer Simulation of Behavior. London: Hutchinson University Library 1970; New York: Harper & Row 1971. R. H. Armstrong. J. L. Taylor (Hrsg.): Instructional Simulation Systems in Higher Education. Cambridge Monographs on Teaching Methods, No. 2, 1970. John Mason Dutton, William Haynes Starbuck (Hrsg.): Computer Simulation of Human Behavior. New York: Wiley 1971. Ira M. Kay, John McLeod (Hrsg): Progress in Simulation. New York 1971ff. George Arthur Mihram: Time series techniques in the analysis of stochastic simulation models. Proceedings, 1971 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Boston, Massachusetts 1971, 98-104. Thomas H. Naylor: Computer Simulation Experiments with Models of Economic Systems. New York: Wiley 1971. Julian Reitman: Computer Simulation Applications. Discrete-Event Simulation for Synthesis and Analysis of Complex Systems. New York: Wiley 1971; Nachdruck Malabar, Fla.: Krieger 1981. George Arthur Mihram: Some practical aspects of the verification and validation of simulation models. Operational Research Quarterly 23, 1972, 17-19. George Arthur Mihram: Simulation. Statistical Foundations and Methodology. New York: Academic Press 1972; 2. print 1973. George Arthur Mihram: The modelling process. I. E. E. E. Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC-2, 1972, 621-629. George Arthur Mihram: Simular experimentation.Proceedings, First International Symposium on Systems Engineering and Analysis, Lafayette, Indiana, Vol. II, 1972, 281-285. Joseph S. Rosko: Digital Simulation of Physical Systems. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1972. Gerhard Niemeyer: Systemsimulation. Frankfurt am Main: Akademische Verlags Gesellschaft 1973.
J. P. Behr, R. Iserhagen, P. Pernards, L. Steven: Modellbeschreibung von Auswertungsnetzen. Angewandte Informatik 13.9, 1975 (Simulator SAMO). Archie Wayne Bennett: Introduction to Computer Simulation. St. Paul.: West Publications 1975; 2. Aufl. 1977. Robert E. Shannon: Systems Simulation. The Art and Science. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1975.
Zeitschrift: Ecological Modelling. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1975ff.
Bernard P. Zeigler: Theory of Modeling and Simulation, New York: Wiley-Interscience 1976 (2. ed. see 2000). R. S. Lehman: Computer Simulation and Modeling. An Introduction. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum 1977. Jean-Lous Le Moigne: La théorie du système général. Théorie de la modélisation. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1977; 4. Aufl. 1994. Rutherford Aris: Mathematical Modelling Techniques. London: Pitman 1978; New York: Dover 1994. S. Keramidis: Zur Modellierung von Betriebssystemen: Eine allgemeine und effektiv implementierbare mathematische Maschine. Struktur und Betrieb von Rechensystemen. NTG Fachberichte, Bd. 62, Berlin 1978. E. Denert: Software-Modularisierung. Informatik Spektrum 2, 1979.
Kurt Bauknecht, Peter A. Pircher: Schwerpunkte und Grenzen in der Behandlung von Modellen für Computersysteme durch Simulation und durch analytische Verfahren. OR-Spekturm 1, 1980. Ervin Szucs: Similitude and Modelling. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1980. Harold Steere Guetzkow (Hrsg.): Simulated International Processes. Theories and Research in Global Modeling. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage 1981. Averill M. Law, W .David Kelton: Simulation Modeling and Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill 1982; 4. Aufl. 2007. Bernd Schmidt: Informatik und allgemeine Modelltheorie – eine Einführung. Angewandte Informatik 24.1, 1982, 35-42. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson: Discrete-Event System Simulation. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1984; 4. Aufl. 2005. Maurice Poucet, Denis Richard (Hrsg.): Orders. Descriptions and Roles. In Set Theory, Lattices, Ordered Groups, Topology, Theory of Models and Relations, Combinatorics, Effectiveness, Social Sciences. Proceedings of a Conference. Amsterdam: Nort-Holland 1984.
Michael Don Ward (Hrsg.): Theories, Models and Simulations in International Relations. Essays in Honor of Harold Guetzkow. Blulder, Colo.: Westview Press 1985. Wolfgang Kreutzer: System Simulation. Programming Styles and Languages. Sydney: Addison-Wesley 1986. Norbert Müller, Karl-Peter Schön, Bernd Thober: Real-Structure Modeling. A Simulation-based Methodology for the Description of Large Scale (Social) Units. Köln: TÜV Rheinland 1986. Alain Gire: Modèles mathématiques de systèmes évolutifs héréditaires. Théorie et application. Thèse; Lyon: Presses Universitaires de France 1987. Naim A. Kheir (Hrsg.): Systems Modeling and Computer Simulation. New York: Dekker 1988; 2. Aufl. 1996. Julian Reitman: A concise history of the ups and downs of simulation. In M. Abrams, P. Haig, J. Comfort (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 20th Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, Calif. 1988, 1-6. Jeff Rothenberg: The Nature of Modeling. RAND Report, November 1989. Lawrence A. Widman, Kenneth A. Loparo, Norman R. Nielsen (Hrsg.): Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Modeling. New York: Wiley 1989.
Rüdeger Baumann: Didaktik der Informatik. Stuttgart: Klett Schulbuchverlag 1990; 2. neubearbeitete Aufl. 1996. Marcel Brissaud, Michel Forsé, Abdelkader Zighed (Hrsg.): La modélisation confluent des sciences. Paris: Editions du CNRS 1990 (16 Beiträge). J. L. Lemoigne: La modélisation des systèmes complexes. Paris: Dunod 1990. Paul A. Fishwick, Paul A. Luker (eds.): Qualitative Simulation and Analysis. New York: Springer 1991. Paul A. Fishwick (Hrsg.): Model Based Simulation. New York: Springer 1991. Hartmut Bossel: Modellbildung und Simulation:
Konzepte, Verfahren und Modelle zum Verhalten dynamischer Systeme. Ein Lehr-
und Arbeitsbuch mit Simulationssoftware. Braunschweig/ Wiesbaden: Vieweg 1992;
2. Aufl. 1994; Benjamin Woolley: Virtual Worlds. A Journey in Hype
and Hyperreality. Oxford: Blackwell 1992; Harvey Mellar (ed.): Learning with Artificial Worlds. Computer Based Modelling in the Curriculum. London: Falmer Press 1994.
Brian S. Bennett: Simulation Fundamentals. London: Prentice-Hall 1995; 2. Aufl. 1996. Valentin Braitenberg, Inga Hosp (Hrsg.): Simulation. Computer zwischen Experiment und Theorie. Reinbek: Rowohlt 1995. Paul A. Fishwick: Simulation Model Design and Execution, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall 1995. Charles R. Harrell, Kerim Tumay: Simulation Made Easy. A Manager’s Guide. Norcross, Ga.: Industrial Engineering & Management Press 1995; Nachdruck 1998. Franz Lehner: Modelle und Modellierung. In Franz Lehner, Knut Hildebrand, Ronald Maier: Wirtschaftsinformatik. Theoretische Grundlagen. München: Hanser 1995, 73-164.
W. Baumann: Netzverteilte Visualisierung und Simulation. Berlin: Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik 1996. Rainer Hegselmann, Ulrich Mueller, Klaus. G. Troitzsch (Hrsg.): Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic 1996 (Sammelband mit 15 Beiträgen). David R. C. Hill: Object-oriented Analysis and Simulation. Harlow: Addison-Wesley 1996. Susanne Strahringer: Metamodellierung als Instrument des Methodenbergleichs. Eine Evaluierung am Beispiel objektorientierter Analysemethoden. Diss. TH Darmstadt 1996; Aachen: Shaker 1996.
Robert K. Axelrod: Advancing the Art of Simulation in the Social Sciences. In Rosaria Conte, Rainer Hegselmann, Pietro Terna (Hrsg.): Simulation Social Phenomena. Berlin: Springer 1997, 21-40.
Petra Ahrweiler, Nigel Gilbert (Hrsg.): Computer Simulations in Science and Technology Studies. Berlin: Springer 1998. Anton Joeressen, Hans J. Sebastian: Problemlösung mit Modellen und Algorithmen. Teubner 1998. W. David Kelton, Randall P. Sadowski, Deborah A. Sadowski: Simulation with Arena. Boston: McGraw-Hill 1998; 4. Aufl. 2007. Wolfgang Peters: Zur Theorie der Modellierung von Natur und Umwelt. Ein Ansatz zur Rekonstruktion und Systematisierung der Grundperspektiven ökologischer Modellbildung für planungsbezogene Anwendungen. Diss. TU Berlin 1998. Terry Quatrani: Visual Modeling with Rational Rose and UML. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1998; mehrere Aufl. bis 2004. Ute Schmid et al. (Ed.): Mind modelling. A cognitive science approach to reasoning, learning and discovery. Lengerich: Pabst 1998. Reinhard Schütte: Grundsätze ordnungsmässiger Referenzmodellierung. Konstruktion konfigurations- und anpassungsorientierter Modelle. Diss. Univ. Münster, Westfalen 1997; Wiesbaden: Gabler 1998. H. Wedekind, G. Görz, R. Kötter, R. Inhelveen: Modellierung, Simulation, Visualisierung: Zur aktuellen Aufgabe der Informatik. Informatik Spektrum 21, 1998, 262-272.
Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson: The
Unified Modeling Language User Guide. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley 1999;
mehrere Aufl. bis 2006; Nicholas Bouleau: Philosophies des mathématiques et de la modélisation. Du chercheur à l’ingénieur. Paris: L’Harmattan 1999. G. N. Gilbert, Klaus G. Troitzsch: Simulation for the Social Scientist. Buckingham: Open University Press 1999. Rebecca B. Morton: Methods and models. A guide to the empirical analysis of formal models in political science Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999; mehrere Aufl. bis 2005. Sergio Sismondo, Snait Gissis (Hrsg.): Modeling and Simulation. Science in Context, vol. 12, no. 2, Summer 1999, 245-376 (concerns only mathematical models). K. Preston White: Modeling and Simulation. In John G. Webster (Hrsg.): Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. New York: Wiley, vol. 13, 1999, 404-417.
Nicola Bellomo, Mario Pulvirenti (Ed.): Modeling in applied sciences. A kinetic theory approach. Boston: Birkhäuser 2000. Joachim Engel: Statistik und Modellbildung mit dem Computer. In Horst Hischer (Hrsg): Modellbildung, Computer und Mathematikunterricht. Hildesheim: diVerlag Franzbecker 2000, 58-62. Peter Hubwieser: Didaktik der Informatik. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Beispiele. Berlin: Springer 2000; 2. Aufl. 2004. Charles R. MacCluer: Industrial mathematics. Modeling in industry, science and government. Upper Saddler River, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 2000 (ein Lehrbuch für Studenten; hauptsächlich Statistik und Differentialgleichungen). Michael Margaliot, Gideon Langholz: New Approaches to Fuzzy Modeling and Control – Design and Analysis. Singapore: World Scientific 2000. D'Arcy Mays (Ed.): 50th anniversary of the Department of Statistics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Modeling of processes in science and industry, Blacksburg, Virginia, 12 - 14 August 1999. New York: Gordon & Breach 2000. Michael Schrage: Serious play. How the world's best companies simulate to innovate. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Publishing 2000. Sam Schweber, Matthias Wächter: Complex Systems, Modeling and Simulation. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31, 2000, 583-609. Manfred Stöckler: On Modeling and Simulations as Instruments for the Study of Complex Systems. In Martin Carrier, Gerald Massey, Laura Ruetsche (Hrsg.): Science at Century’s End. Philosophical Questions on the Progress and Limits of Science. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press 2000, 355-373. John G. Taylor (Hrsg.): The Global Brain: Imaging and Modelling. Neural Networks 13.8/9, 2000, 827-1061 (special issue); New York: Pergamon Press 2000. Bernard P. Zeigler, Herbert Praehofer, Tag Gon Kim: Theory of Modeling and Simulation. Integrating Discrete Event and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press 2000; mehrere Aufl. bis 2005.
Ian Cameron, Katalin Hangos: Process modelling and model analysis. San Diego, CA: Academic Press 2001. Mary Ellen Davis, C. Henry Edwards: Elementary Mathematical Modeling. Functions and Graphs. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Prentice Hall 2001; 2. ed. 2007. Cheng Hsiao et al (Hrsg.): Nonlinear Statistical Modeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2001. Stefan Wolf: Wissenschaftstheoretische und fachmethodische Grundlagen der Konstruktion von generischen Referenzmodellen betrieblicher Systeme. Diss. Univ. Bamberg 2001; Aachen: Shaker 2001.
Cristofer R. Edling: Mathematics in Sociology. Annual Review of Sociology 28, 2002, 197-220. Pascal Nouvel (Hrsg.): Enquête sur le concept de modèle. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2002 (12 Beiträge). Marco Thomas: Informatische Modellbildung. Modellieren von Modellen als zentrales Element der Informatik für den allgemeinbildenden Unterricht. Diss. Univ. Potsdam 2002.
Evelyn Fox Keller: Models, Simulation, and Computer Experiments. In Hans Radder (Hrsg.): The Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation. Pittsburg, Pa.: University of Pittsburg Press 2003. Jochen Ludewig: Models in software engineering – an introduction. Journal on Software and Systems Modeling 2.1, March 2003, 5-14. James T. Sandefur: Elementary Mathematical Modeling. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/Cole 2003.
Nino Boccara: Modelling Complex Systems. New York: Springer 2004. Paul Humphreys: Extending Ourselves. Computational Science, Empiricism, and Scientific Method. New York: Oxford University Press 2004. Antonino Porrello: Theory of the Simulative Models (TMS). In Massimo Negrotti (Hrsg.): Yearbook of the Artificial, Vol. 2: Models in Contemporary Sciences. Bern: Peter Lang 2004, 305-331. Sigrid Schubert, Andreas Schwill: Didaktik der Informatik. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademie-Verlag 2004.
Hans Georg Bock et al. (Hrsg.): Modeling, simulation and optimization of complex processes. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 10-14, 2003, Hanoi, Vietnam. Berlin: Springer 2005. Alan Chmura, J. Mark Heumann: Logical Data Modelling. What it is and how to do it. New York: Springer 2005. Uwe Karstens, Hans Kleine Büning: Modellierung. Grundlagen und formale Methoden. München: Hanser 2005. Günter Küppers, Johannes Lenhard: Validation of Simulation. Patterns in the Natural and Social Sciences. Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8.4, 2005. Sidney Yip (Hrsg.): Handbook of Materials Modeling. Part A: Methods; Part B: Models. Dordrecht: Springer 2005.
Shane G. Henderson (Hrsg.): Simulation. Amsterdam: Elsevier North-Holland 2006. B. W. Hollocks: Forty years of discrete-event simulation – a personal reflection. Journal of the Operational Research Society 57, 2006, 1383-1399. Johannes Lehmann: Models and Statistical Inference: The Controversy between Fisher and Neyman-Pearson. British Journal of the Philosophy of Science 57.1, 2006, 69-91 (concerns mostly the 1930s).
Louis G. Birta: Modelling and Simulation. Exploring Dynamic System Behaviour. London: Springer 2007. Charles L. Blilie: The Promise and Limits of Computer Modeling. Singapore: World Scientific 2007. Aki Lehtinen, Jaakko Kuorikoski: Computing the Perfect Model: Why Do Economists Shun Simulation? Philosophy of Science 74.3, July 2007, 304-329. Johannes Lenard, Günter Küppers, Terry Shinn (Hrsg.): Simulation. Pragmatic Construction of Reality. Berlin/ Dordrecht: Springer Netherland 2007. Johannes Lenhard: Computer Simulation: The Cooperation between Experimenting and Modeling. Philosophy of Science 74.2, April 2007, 176-194. John H. Miller: Complex Adaptive Systems. An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 2007. Frank Varenne: du modèle à la simulation informatique. Paris: Vrin 2007.
Asim Abdel Rahma El Sheikh et al. (Hrsg.): Simulation and Modeling. Current Technologies and Applications. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Publications 2008. Tarja Knuuttila: Models, and Modeling. In William A. Darity Jr. (Hrsg.): International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale, vol. 5, 2008, 224-226.
Jean-Jacques Kupiec, Guillaume Lecointre, Marc Silberstein, Franck Varenne (Hrsg.): Modèles, simulations, systèmes. Matière première. Revue d’épistémiologie et d’études matérialistes, no. 3, 2008 Bernd Luderer (Hrsg.): Die Kunst des Modellierens. Mathematisch-ökonomische Modelle. Wiesbaden: Vieweg + Teubner 2008. Marco Thomas, Carsten Schulte: Fachdidaktik Informatik konkret. In Theorie und Praxis mit zahlreichen Beispielen. Wiesbaden: Teubner 2008.
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