![]() Literatur 1940-1960 englisch (und einige französische Titel)
Siehe auch: Literatur: Systemwissenschaft 1940-1960 deutsch Literatur: Schriften mit dem Titel „System“
General Systems. Yearbook of the Society for General Systems Research. Ann Arbor, Vol. 1 (1956) Donald P. Eckman (Hrsg.): Systems. Research and Design. Proceedings of the first Systems Symposium at Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio, April 1960; sponsored by the Systems Research Center, Case Institute of Technology. New York, London: Wiley 1961. Warren Sturgis McCulloch: Embodiments of Mind. MIT Press 1965; Nachdruck 1988 Peter Paul Schoderbek (Hrsg.): Management Systems. New York, London: Wiley 1967. Walter Buckley (Hrsg.): Modern Systems Research for the Behavioral Scientist. A Sourcebook for the Application of General Systems Theory to the Study of Human Behavior. Chicago: Aldine 1968, 3. Aufl. 1972. Ludwig von Bertalanffy: General System Theory. Foundations, Development, Applications. London: Allen Lane, Penguin 1968; New York: Braziller 1969; 2. Aufl. 1973; erneut 1980; auch Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1973. Frederick Edmund Emery (Hrsg.): Systems Thinking. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1969. Wolfgang Zapf (Hrsg.): Theorien des sozialen Wandels. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1969. Karl H. Tjaden (Hrsg.): Soziale Systeme. Neuwied: Luchterhand 1971. Stanford Levin Optner (Hrsg.): Systems Analysis. Selected Readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1973. Frank Händle, Stefan Jensen (Hrsg.): Systemtheorie und Systemtechnik. München: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung 1974.
Einzelne Schriften
Albert Gailord Hart: Anticipations, Uncertainty and Dynamic Planning. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; 2. Aufl. New York: A. M. Kelley 1951; erneut 1965. Julian Huxley (Ed.): The New Systematics. Oxford (betrifft Biologie) Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown: On Social Structure. Journal of the Royal Anthrop. Institute, Bd. 70.
Andras Angyal: Foundations for a Science of Personality. Harvard University Press (Nachdruck eines Auszugs unter dem Titel “A Logic of Systems” in F. E. Emery, 1969, 17-29). Kenneth Ewart Boulding: Economic Analysis. 4. Aufl. 1965. James Burnham: The
Managerial Revolution. What is Happening in the World. New York: Day 1941; Nachdruck
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press 1972; Paul E. Holden, Lounsbury
S. Fish, Hubert L. Smith: Top Management Organisation and Control. Stanford:
Stanford University Press 1941, zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1958; Wassily W. Leontief: The Structure of the American Economy 1919-1929. Harvard University Press (input-output analysis). Mary Follett Parker: Dynamic Administration. The collected papers, edited by Henry C. Metcalf and L. Urwick. Bath [Eng.]: Management publications trust/ New York: Harper; Neuausgabe London: Pitman 1973. Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown: Tie Study of Kinship Systems. Journal of the Royal Anthrop. Institute, Bd. 71. Pitirim A. Sorokin: Social and Cultural Dynamics. 4 Bde, New York: American Book 1937-1941 Julius Adams Stratton: Electromagnetic Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill P. Weiss: Self-Differentiation of the Basic Patterns of Coordination. Comp. Psychol. Monographs 17 (1941), 1. George Kingsley Zipf: National Unity and Disunity. The Nation as a Bio-Social Organism. Bloomington, Ind.
Murray Frank Gardner, John Landes Barnes: Transients in Linear Systems. New York: Wiley/ London: Chapman & Hall; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1965. Paul Richard Halmos: Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces. Princeton: Princeton University Press; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1999 John Alexander MacGeoch: The Psychology of Human Learning. An Introduction. New York: Longmans, Green; 2. Aufl. 1952; erneut 1961 und 1965. Robert Redfield (Hrsg.): Levels of Integration in Biological and Social Sciences.
Die US-Navy richtet die „Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Research Group“ (AWORG) unter der Leitung von Philip McCord Morse, Physikprofessor am MIT, ein.
Eliott Dismore Chapple: Anthropological Engineering. It’s Use to Administrators. Appl. Anthrop. Jan.-Mar. 1943 Clark Leonard Hull: Principles of Behavior. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts; zhalreiche Aufl. bis 1966. Michael Kalecki: Studies in Economic Dynamics. London: G. Allen & Unwin (über Business Cycles) Alfred Louis Kroeber: Structure, Function and Pattern in Biology and Anthropology. The Scientific Monthly 56 (1943) Warren Sturgis McCulloch,
Walter Harry Pitts: A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous
Activity. Bull. of Math. Biophysics, Chicago 5 (1943) 115-133. Curt Richter: Total Self-Regulatory Functions in Animals and Human Beings. Harvey Lectures 38 (1942/43), 63-103. Arturo Rosenblueth,
Norbert Wiener, Julian H. Bigelow: Behavior, Purpose and Teleology. Philosophy
of Science 10 (1943) 1, 18-24 Philip Selznick: An Approach to a Theory of Bureaucracy. American Sociological Review 8 (1943), Nr. 1. Lyndall Fownes Urwick:
The Elements of Administration. New York: Harper; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1974;
R. Granit, L. Leksell, C. R. Skoglund: Fibre interaction in injured or compressed region of nerve. Brain 67, 1944, 125-140. Bronislaw Malinowski: A
Scientific Theory of Culture. And Other Essays. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press 1944; New York: Oxford University Press, 1960; John von Neumann, Oskar
Morgenstern: Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. New York: Wiley 1944;
Princeton: Princeton University Press 1947, 3. ed. 1953; 6. Druck Paperback 1990;
William Ross Ashby: Effect of Controls on Stability. Nature 155 (1945), 3930, 242-243. William Ross Ashby: The Physical Origin of Adaptation by Trial and Error. J. of Gen. Psychol. 32 (1945), 13-25. Hendrik Wade Bode: Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design. New York: Van Nostrand; zhalreiche Aufl. bis 1975. Vannevar Bush: As We May Think. Atlantic Monthly 176 (July 1945), 101-108. John Dollard: The Acquisition of New Social habits. In Ralph Linton (Hrsg.): The Science of Man in the World Crisis. New York. S. Eilenberg, S. MacLane: General Theory of Natural Equivalence. Trans. Amer. Math. Society 58 (1945), 231-294. J. Feibleman, J. W.
Friend: The Structure and Function of Organization. Philos. Rev. 54 (1945) 19-44 Ossip Kurt Flechtheim:
Teaching the Future! Journal of Higher Education Albert O. Hirschmann: National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade. Berkeley. Abraham Kardiner: The Concept of Basic Personality Structure as an Operational Tool in the Social Sciences. Le Roy Archibald MacColl: Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms. D. Van Nostrand, 3. Aufl. 1947; Nachdruck New York: Dover Publications 1968. Warren S. McCulloch: A Heterarchy of Values Determined by the Topology of Nervous Nets. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 7, 1945, 89-93, Charles E. Merriam: Systematic Politics. Chicago. Talcott Parsons: The
Present Positions and Position of Systematic Theory in Sociology. In G.
Gurvitch, W. E. Moore (Hrsg.): Twentieth Century Sociology. New York:
Philosophical Library, 42-69; Georg Polya: How to Solve
It. A New Aspect of Mathematical Method. Princeton: University Press; Radar. A Report on Science and War. Released by the Joint Board on Scientific Information Policy for Office of Scientific Research and Development, War Department, Navy Department. US Government Printing Office/ London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office. Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener: The Role of Models in Science. Philosophy of Science 12 (1945), 316-322. Erwin Schrödinger: What
Is Life? The physical aspect of the living cell. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press; S. Spiegelman: Physiological Competition as a Regulatory Mechanism in Morphogenesis. Quart. Rev. Biol. 20 (1945), 121ff. E. T. Whittaker: Eddington’s Theory of the Constants of Nature. Math. Gazette 29 (1945), 137-144.
William Ross Ashby: Principles for the Quantitative Study of Stability in a Dynamic Whole System. J. of Mental Science 92 (1946), 319-323. William Ross Ashby: Dynamics of the Cerebral Cortex; The Behavioral Properties of Systems in Equilibrium. Am. J. of Psychol. 59 (1946), 682-686. William Ross Ashby: Dynamics of the Cerebral Cortex. XIII. Interrelations between Stabilities of Parts within a Whole Dynamic System. J. of Comp. and Physiol. Psychol. 40 (1946/47), 1-7. Edmund C. Berkeley: Sequence Controlled Calculators for the Prudential – Specifications. First Draft, November 1946. Léon Brillouin: Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures; Electric Filters and Crystal Lattices. New York, 2. Aufl.1953. Arthur Stanley Eddington: Fundamental Theory. Cambridge, Mass: Cambridge University Press; Nachdruck 1953 Georges Friedmann:
Problèmes humains du machinisme industriel. Paris: Gallimard; zahlreiche Aufl; A. Katchalsky, F. P. Curran: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Biophisics. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1946. H. D. Landahl, R. Runge: Outline of a Matrix Algebra for Neural Nets. Bull. Math. Biophysics 6 (1946), 75íf Wilbert E. Moore: Industrial Relations and the Social Order. New York: Macmillan; mehrere Aufl., Nachdruck New York: Arno Press 1977. Charles W. Morris :
Signs, Language and Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall; New York:
Braziller 1955; E. A. Singer: Mechanism, Vitalism, Naturalism. Philos. of Sci. 13 (1946), 81-99. Norbert Wiener, Arturo Rosenblueth: The mathematical Formulation of the Problem of Conduction of Impulses in a Network of Connected Excitable Elements, Specifically in Cardiac Muscle. Arch. Inst. Cardiol. Mex. 15 (1946), 205-265.
Gründung des Stanford
Research Institute;
William Ross Ashby: Principles o f the Self -Organizing Dynamic System. J. of Gen. Psychol. 37 (1947), 125-128. William Ross Ashby: The Nervous System as a Physical Machine; With Special Reference to the Origin of Adaptive Behavior. Mind 56 (1947), 44-59. C. West Churchman, Russell L. Ackoff: Psychologistics. University of Pennsylvania Research Fund. I. Craik : Theory of the Human Operator in Control Systems. Brit. J. Psychol. (Dec. 1947; Mar. 1948) J. G. Crowther, R. Whiddington: Science at War. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office Donald G. Fink: Radar Engineering. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Jean Fourastié: La
Civilisation de 1960. Paris: Presses universitaires de Franc, 1947; Zellig Sabbettai Harris:
Methods in Structural Lingustics. Chicago; Kurt Lewin: Frontiers in
Group Dynamics. Human Relations 1 (1947), 147-153 Warren Sturgis McCulloch,
Walter Harry Pitts: How We Know Universals. The Perception of Auditory and
Visual Forms. Bull. Of math. Biophysics 9 (1947), 127-147 Ilya Prigogine: Etude thermodynamique des phénomènes irréversibles. Thèse d'agrégation présentée en 1945 à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles. Liège: Desoer 1947; Paris: Dunod 1947. Nicolas Rashevsky: Mathematical Theory of Human Relations. An Approach to a Mathematical Biology of Social Phenomena. Bloomington, Ind. Louis Nicot Ridenour: Radar-System-Engineering. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Herbert Alexander Simon:
Administrative Behavior. A study of decision-making processes in administrative
organization. New York: Macmillan 1947, zahlreiche Auflagen bis New York: Free
Press 1997; Arnold Tustin: The Nature of the Operators Response in Manual Control. J. Elec. Eng. 94 (1947) Abraham Wald: Sequential analysis. New York: Wiley/ London: Chapman & Hall W. Lloyds Warner, J. O. Low: The Social System of the Modern Factory. The Strike. A Social Analysis. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2. Aufl. 1959.
Russell Lincoln Ackoff, C. West Churchman: An Experimental definition of personality. A dissertation in philosophy presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania 1948. William Ross Ashby: Design for a Brain. Electronic Engineering 20 (1948), 379-383. Garrett Bakeoff: Lattice Theory. New York; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1993. Gordon S. Brown, Donald P. Campbell: Principles of servomechanisms. Dynamics and synthesis of closed-loop control systems. New York: Wiley; 2. ed. 1949. Kingsley Davis: Human Society. Minneapolis: Burgess/ New York: Macmillan; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1967. L. K. Frank, G. E. Hutchinson, W. K. Livingstone, Warren Sturgis McCulloch, Norbert Wiener: Teleological Mechanisms. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 50 (1948), 182-278. R. E. Gillmor: A Practical Manual of Organization. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. Einar Hille: Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups. New York: American Mathematical Society; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1997. D. Jenkins: Feedback and Group Self-Evaluation. Journal of Social Issues 4 (1948) 2, 50-60. Clyde Kluckhohn, Henry A. Murray (Hrsg.): Personality in Nature, Society and Culture. New York. Oswald Knauth: Managerial Enterprise, its Growth and Methods of Operations. New York: Norton. Warren Sturgis McCulloch: A Recapitulation of the Theory, with a Forecast of Several Extensions. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 50 (1948), 259-277. F. C. S. Northrop: The Neurological and Behavioristic Psychological Basis of the Ordering of Society by Means of Ideas. Science 107 (April 1948), 2782, 411-416. C. Reinold Noyes: Economic Man in Relation to His Natural Environment. 2 Bde, New York: Columbia University Press The Principles and Practices of Operational Research. Report by the Working Party of the Committee on Industrial Productivity. London Nicolas Rashevsky: Mathematical Biology of Social Behavior. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2. Aufl. 1951 H. John Ross: Technique of Systems and Procedures. New York: Office Research Institute, Inc. Claude Elwood Shannon: A
Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal 27 (1948),
379-423; 623-656 (die
Arbeiten dafür bei den Bell Labs waren Ende 1944 weitgehend abgeschlossen); Alfred Tarski, J. C. C. Mc Kinsey. A Decision Method for Elementary Algebra and Geometry. Santa Monica: Rand Report Nr. R-109; 2. Aufl. Berkeley: University of California Press 1951. Eric Lansdown Trist, Hugh Murray: Work Organization at the Coal Face. A Comparative Study of Mining Systems. Tavistock Institute of Human Relations; Doc. Nr 506. Warren Weaver: Science and Complexity. American Scientist 36 (1948), 536-644. Norbert Wiener:
Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Paris:
Hermann/ New York: Wiley;
Gründung der RAND
Corporation in Santa Monica (Research & Development); Seit ca. 1948 hält die Systems and Procedures Association of America jährliche Meetings ab.
T. W. Anderson, Kenneth Joseph Arrow, J. E. Walsh: A Mathematical Model of an Air Transportation System. RAND Corp. RM-224. Edmund C. Berkeley: Giant
Brains or Machines that Think. New York, London, 6. Aufl. 1958; Ludwig von Bertalanffy: "Open Systems" in Physics and Biology. Nature 163 (1949), 384. Ludwig von Bertalanffy: The concept of systems in physics and biology. Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science, 1949, 1, 44-45 Léon Brillouin: Life,
Thermodynamics and Cybernetics. American Scientist 37 (Oct. 1949), 554-568 George W. Brown: Notes on the Solution of Linear Systems Involving Inequalities. RAND Corp. P-78-B. Edward Colin Cherry: Pulses and Transients in Communications Circuits. An Introduction to Network Transient Analysis for Television and Radar Engineers. London: Chapman & Hall. Aleksandr Jakovlevic
Chintschin (Khinchin): Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics. New
York: Dover; zahlreiche Aufl.
bis 2003 Karl Wolfgang Deutsch: A Note on the History of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Decision-Making. In: Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, May 1949, 8-16. Karl Wolfgang Deutsch:
Some Notes on the Role of Models in the Natural and Social Sciences. Synthese
7, 1948-1949, 506-533 D. G. Ellson: The Application of Operational Analysis to Human Motor Behavior. Psychological Review (1949) Ossip K. Flechtheim:
Futurology: the New Science of Probability (1949) Jay W. Forrester: Digital Computers As Information Processing Systems. Paper, rev. 1951. Jean Fourastié: Le Grand
Espoir du XX siècle. Progrès technique, progrès économique, progrès social.
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1949; Neuausgabe Paris: Gallimard 1963;
erneut 1989 mit einem Nachwort von Jean Fourastié; John George Glower: Business operational research and reports. New York: American Book Stanford Goldman: Transformation Calculus and Electrical Transient. Nelson Goodman: Some Reflections of the Theory of Systems. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (1949), 620-625. Donald Olding Hebb: The Organization of Behavior - a Neuropsychological Theory. New York: Wiley; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1974 William Edmund Hick: Some Studies of Motor Skill and Their Implications For a Theory of Brain Mechanisms. Thesis. Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Durham 1949. R. Duncan Luce, A. D. Perry: A Method of Matrix Analysis of Group Structure. Psychometrica 14 (1949), 95ff. Robert King Merton: Social Theory and Social Structure. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 2. Aufl. 1957. Ludwig von Mises: Human
Action. A Treatise on Economics. London: Hodge/ New Haven: Yale University
Press; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1998 George Peter Murdock: Social Structure. New York: Macmillan; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1967. Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, D. Ford (Hrsg.): African Systems of Kinship and Marriage. Oxford. Anatol Rapoport, A. Shimbel: Mathematical Biophysics, Cybernetics and General Semantics, Etc. A Review of General Semantics 6 (1949), 124-147. J. Ruesch, G. Bateson: Structure and Process in Societal Relations. Psychiatry 12 (May 1949), 2, 105-124. R. Schoenheimer: The Dynamic State of Body Constituents. Cambridge, Mass. Claude Elwood Shannon,
Warren Weaver: The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana: The University
of Illinois Press, zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1998 (die Schrift enthält Shannons
Aufsatz von 1948 und von Weaver: Recent Contributions to the Mathematical
Theory of Communication, 1949); Claude Elwood Shannon: The synthesis of two-terminal switching systems. Bell System technical Journal 28, 1949, 59-98. Claude Elwood Shannon: Communication theory of secrecy systems. Bell System technical Journal 28, 1949, 656-715. Strategic Bombing Systems Analysis. RAND report Warren Weaver: Recent Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Communication. Scientific American, July 1949 Leslie Alvin White: The Science of Culture. A Study of Man and Civilization. New York: Grove Press. Lancelot Law Whyte: The Unitary Principle in Physics and Biology. New York: Holt/ London: Cresset Press George Kingsley Zipf: Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort. Cambridge
D. F. Aberle, A. K.
Cohen, A. K. Davis, M. J. Levy, F. X. Sutton: The Functional Prerequisites of a
Society. Ethics 60 (1950), 100-111; William Ross Ashby: The Stability of Randomly Assembled Nerve-Network. In: Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 2, 471-482. Robert Freed Bales: Interaction Process Analysis. A Method for the Study of Small Groups. Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Press. E. Barrett: Cybernetics as Applied to a Study of Normal and Abnormal Adjustment Mechanisms. Journal of Psychology 30 (1950), 11-31. Alex Bavelas: Communication Patterns in Task-Oriented Groups. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 22 (1950), 725-730. Alex Bavelas, Dermot Barret: An Experimental Approach to Organizational Communication. Personnel 27 (1950), 366-371. Ludwig von Bertalanffy: An Outline of General System Theory. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1 (1950), 2, 134-165. Ludwig von Bertalanffy:
The Theory of Open Systems in Physics and Biology. Science 111 (1950), 2872,
23-29 Léon Brillouin:
Thermodynamics and Information Theory. American Scientist 38 (Oct. 1950),
594-599 C. West Churchman, Russell L. Ackoff: Methods of Inquiry. An Introduction to Philosophy and Scientific Method. St. Louis: Educational Publishers. C West Churchman,
Russell L. Ackoff: Purposive Behavior and Cybernetics. Social Forces 29 (Oct.
1950), 1, 32-39 Heinz von Foerster (Ed.): Transactions of the 6th Conference on Cybernetics New York 1949. New York: J. Macy Foundation. Georges Friedmann: L’homme et la machine. Paris: Editions de Minuit. James J. Gibson: The Perception of the Visual World. Boston. Herbert Goldhamer: Human Factors in Systems Analysis. RAND Corp. RM-388-PR. R. W. Hamming: Error Detecting and Error Correcting Codes. Bell Syst. Techn. 29 (April 1950), 2, 147-160. William Edmund Hick, J. A. V. Bates: The human operator of control mechanisms. London: Ministry of Supply 1950. George Caspar Homans: The
Human Group. New York; K. William Kapp: The
Social Costs of Private Enterprise. Boston, Mass.; Tjalling C. Koopmans (Ed.): Statistical Inference in Dynamic Economic Models. By Cowles Commission research staff members and guests. Introduction by Jacob Marschak. New York: Wiley 1950, 5. ed. 1967. Tjalling C. Koopmans (Ed.): Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation. New York. David Krech: Dynamic
Systems as Open Neurological Systems. Psychological Review, 57 (1950), 345 Harold Dwight Lasswell, Abraham Kaplan: Power and Society. A Framework for Political Inquiry. New Haven: Yale University Press/ London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press 1950, 2. Aufl. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1952. B. S. Lee: Effects of Delayed Speech Feedback. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 22 (1950) Yuk-Wing Lee: Applications of Statistical Methods to Communications Problems. Research Laboratory of Electronics report 1950. Donald M. MacKay: Quantal aspects of scientific information. Philosophical Magazine 41, 1950, 289-311. Manchester Joint Research Council: Operational Research. Its Application to Peace-Time Industry. A series of lectures with preface by Sir Raymond Streat and introduction by P. M. S. Blackett. Warren Sturgis McCulloch:
Machines That Think and Want. In War C. Halstead (Hrsg.): Brain and Behavior.
Berkeley/ Los Angeles; Comparative Psychology Monographs, Vol. XX, 1, Nr. 3,
39-50 John McDonald: Strategy in Poker, Business and War. New York. Henry Margenau: The Methodology for Integrating in the Physical Sciences. In: The Nature of Concepts; Their Interrelation and Role in Social Structure. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College. N. F. Morehouse, R. W. Strolz, S. J. Horwitz: An Electro-Analogue Method for Investigating Problems in Economic Dynamics. Econometrica (1950) Joseph M. Notterman,
Richard Trumbull: Note on Self-Regulating Systems and Stress. Behavioral
Science 4 (Oct. 1950), 324-327 Wilder Penfield, Theodore
Rasmussen: The Cerebral Cortex of Man. A Clinical Study of Localization of
Function. New York: Macmillan; Arthur Porter: Introduction to Servo-Mechanisms. London: Methuen. Richard C. Raymond:
Communication, Entropy and Life. American Scientist 38 (April 1950), 273-278 Arturo Rosenblueth,
Norbert Wiener, Julian Bigelow: Purposeful and Non-Purposeful Behavior.
Philosophy of Science 17 (1950), 318-326 Gerd Sommerhoff: Analytical Biology. London: Oxford University Press Symposium on Information Theory. Held in the lecture theatre of the Royal Society, Burlington House, by kind permission of the President & Council. Report of proceedings. London: Ministry of Supply 1950. Richard Taylor: Comments
on a Mechanistic Conception on Purposefulness. Philosophy of Science 17 (1950),
310-317 Richard Taylor:
Purposeful and Non-Purposeful Behavior. A Rejoinder. Philosophy of Science 17
(1950), 327-332 Alan Mathison Turing: Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind 59 (1950), 236, 433-460. Abraham Wald: Statistical Decision Functions. New York, London. Norbert Wiener:
Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series. New York:
Wiley Norbert Wiener: The Human
Use of Human Beings. Boston: Mifflin; J. C. Wylie: Notes on ([m] X 2) Evaluation Matrices for Special Systems Analysis Applications. RAND Corp. RM-0279-PR. Lotfi Asker Zadeh: The Determination of the Impulsive Response of Variable Networks. J. Appl. Phys. 21 (1950), 642-645.
Zeitschrift: Operational
Research Quarterly. Oxford, New York: Published by Pergamon Press for the
Operational Research Club, London, 1950-1953; Zeitschrift: Systems and Procedures Quarterly. Clifton, N. J. 1950-1956.
Kenneth Joseph Arrow: Social Choice and Individual Value. New York: Wiley Kenneth Joseph Arrow: Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences. In Daniel Lerner, Harold D. Lasswell (Hrsg.): The Policy Sciences. William Ross Ashby: Perspectives cybernétiques en psychophysiologie. Traduction J. Cabaret. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France Norman Norton Barish: Systems Analysis for Effective Administration. New York, 2. Aufl. 1961. Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Carl Gustav Hempel, Robert E. Bass, Hans Jonas: General System Theory: A New Approach to the Unity of Science. Human Biology 23.4, 1951, 302-361. Ludwig von Bertalanffy: Theoretical Models of Biology and Psychology. J. Personal 20 (1951), 24-38. Ludwig von Bertalanffy: Toward a Physical Theory of Organic Teleology. Human Biology 23 (1951), 346-361. Robert R. Bush, Frederick Mosteller: A Mathematical Model for Simple Learning. Psychological Review (1951) Edward Colin Cherry: Some General Theorems for Nonlinear Systems Possessing Reactance. Philosophical Magazine 42 (1951), 1161-1177. Harold Chestnut and Robert W. Mayer: Servomechanisms and Regulating Systems Design I, 2. Aufl. 1959 (II: 1955) Joel Dean: Managerial Economics. New-w York: Prentice-Hall. Kenneth George Denbigh: The Thermodynamics of the Steady State. London: Methuen. Karl W. Deutsch: Mechanism, Teleology and Mind. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (1951), 185-222. Karl W. Deutsch: Mechanism, Organism and Society. Philosophy of Science 18 (1951), Nr. 3. Heinz von Foerster (Ed.): Circular Causal and Feedback Mechanisms in Biological and Social Systems. Transactions of the 6.-8. Conferences on Cybernetics. Macy, 1949-51. Jean Fourastié: Machinisme et bien-être. Paris: Editions de Minuit 1951; 5. Aufl. 1969. Harry Herbert Goode. Simulation – Its Place in System Design. Proceedings of Institute of Radio Engineers 39, 1951, 1501-1506. R. M. Goodwin: The Nonlinear Accelerator and the Persistence of Business Cycles. Econometrica 19 (1951) Nr. 1. Sybren Ruurds de Groot: Thermodynamics
of irreversible processes. Amsterdam: North-Holland 1951, 6. Aufl. 1966; Harold Guetzkow (Hrsg.): Groups, leadership and men. Research in human relations. Reports on research sponsored by the human relations and morale branch of the Office of Naval Research 1945-1950. Pittsburgh, P: Carnegie Press 1951; Nachdruck New York: Russell & Russell 1963. Howard Hathaway Aiken et al.: Synthesis of Electronic Computing and Control Circuits. Clark Leonard Hull: A Behavior System. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. Marie Jahoda, Morton Deutsch, Stuart W. Cook (Eds.): Research Methods in Social Relations. New York: Dryden Press Lloyd A. Jeffress (Ed): Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior. The Hixon Symposium. New York: Wiley, Hafner/ London: Chapman & Hall ("This book is the report of ... the symposium ... "Cerebral mechanisms in behavior" ... held at the California Institute of Technology in September, 1948"); Nachdruck New York, London 1967. Hans Jonas: Materialism and the Theory of Organism. The University of Toronto Quarterly 21 (1951) 1, 39-52. Hans Jonas: Comment on General System Theory. Human Biology 23 (1951), 4, 329-334. George Katona: Psychological Analysis of Business Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill S. A. Knight: Fundamentals of Radar. London: Pitmans H. G. Landau: On Dominance-Relations and the Structure of Animal Societies. Bull. Math. Biophysics 13 (1951), 1ff (I); 245ff (II); 15 (1953), 143ff (III) Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Allen H. Barton: Qualitative Measurement in the Social Sciences. Classification, Typologies and Indices. In Daniel Lerner, Harold D. Lasswell (Hrsg.): The Policy Sciences, 155ff. Daniel Lerner, Harold D. Lasswell (Hrsg.): The Policy Sciences. Recent Trends in Scope and Method. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Kurt Lewin: Field Theory in Social Science. New York. Julien Loeb, Robert Fortet, M. D. Indjoudjian, André Blanc-Lapierre, P. Aigrain, J. Oswald, Dennis Gabor et al.: La Cybernétique. Théorie du signal et de l'information, réunions d'études et de mises au point tenues sous la présidence de Louis de Broglie. Paris: Editions de la Revue d’optique théorique et instrumentale 1951. R. Mayne: Some Engineering Aspects of the Mechanism of Body Control. Elec. ing. 70 (1951). Warren Sturgis McCulloch: Brain and Behavior. In: Current Trends in Psychology, Nr. 5, 165-172. D. G. McRae: Cybernetics and Social Science. British Journal of Sociology (1951) 2, 135-149. W. Millar: Some General Theorems for Nonlinear Systems Possessing Resistance. Philosophical Magazine 42 (1951), 1150-1160. George A. Miller: Language and Communication. New York: McGraw-Hill. Oskar Morgenstern: Prolegomena to a Theory of Organization. Santa Monica: RAND, RM-734. Philip M. Morse and
George E. Kimball: Methods of Operations Research. Cambridge Mass.: M.I.T.
Press, 10. Aufl. 1970 John von Neumann: The
General and Logical Theory of Automata. In L. A. Jeffress (Hrsg.): Cerebral
Mechanisms in Behavior, 1-31 Operations research with special reference to non-military applications. A brochure. Prepared by the Committee on Operations Research. Washington, D.C.: National Research Council Tead Ordway: The Art of Administration. New York: McGraw-Hill. Mortimer Ostow: The
Entropy Concept and Psychic Function. American Scientist 39 (1951), 140-144 Talcott Parsons: The Social System. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press. Talcott Parsons, Edward A. Shils (Eds.): Toward a General Theory of Action. Cambridge, Mass./ Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press. Stanley L. Payne: The Ideal Model for Controlled Experiments. Public Opinion quarterly 15 (1951), 557. J. W. S. Pringle: On the
Parallel Between Learning and Evolution. Behaviour 3 (1951), 174-215 Juergen Ruesch, Gregory
Bateson: Communication. The Social Matrix of Psychiatry. New York: Norton; 2.
Aufl. 1968; erneut 1987; Lindsay Russell: Characteristics of the Human as a Linear Servo Element. Masters Thesis, Cambridge, Mass., MIT. Walter Russell Brain: Mind, Perception and Science. Oxford: Blackwell Leonard Jimmie Savage: The Theory of Statistical Decisions. Journal of the American Statistical Association 46 (1951) 55-67. C. W. Sheppard, A. S. Householder: The Mathematical Basis of the Interpretation of Tracer Experiments in Closed Steady-State Systems. J. appl. Phys. 22 (1951), 510-520. Herbert Alexander Simon: On the-Application of Servomechanism Theory in The Study of Production Control. Santa Monica: RAND, P-234. Herbert Solow: Operations Research. Fortune 43 (April 1951), 105f. Stanley S. Stevens : Mathematics, Measurement and Psychophysics. In S. S. Stevens (Ed.): Handbook of Experimental Psychology. New York: Wiley. J. L. Synge: The Fundamental Theorem of Electrical Networks. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 9 (1951), 113-127. Eric Lansdowm Trist, K. W. Bamforth: Some Social and Psychological Consequences of the Longwall Method of Coal-Getting. Human Relations 4 (1951). John Zachary Young: Doubt and Certainty in Science. Oxford: Clarendon Press; mehrere Aufl. bis 1960. Lotfi Asker Zadeh: On Stability of Linear Varying- Parameter Systems. J. appl. Phys. 22 (1951), 402-405.
Die Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey (CA) führt den ersten Ausbildungsgang für Operations Research ein.
William Ross Ashby: Design for a Brain. London: Chapman & Hall/ New York: Wiley, 2. Aufl. 1954; Reprint der 2. Aufl. 1970. James H. Batchelor:
Operations Research. A Preliminary Annotated Bibliography. Cleveland: Case
Institute of Technology 1952; 2. Aufl. Saint Louis, Mo.: Saint Louis University
Press 1959; Ludwig von Bertalanffy:
Problems of Life. An evaluation of modern biological thought. London: Watts;
erneut New York: Harper 1960 Léon Brillouin: A Physical Theory of Information. New York: IBM Watson Laboratories .Rudolf Carnap, Yehosua Bar-Hillel: An Outline of a Theory of Semantic Information. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, Techn. Report 247. Louis Couffignal: Les
machines à penser. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit 1952, 2. ed. 1964; Ernest Dale: Planning and Designing the Company Organization Structure. New York: American Management Association. Karl W. Deutsch: On Communication Models in the Social Sciences. Public Opinion Quarterly 16 (1952), 3, 356-380. John Diebold: Automation;
the Advent of the Automatic Factory. New York; Albert Ducrocq: Appareils et cerveaux électroniques. Paris: Hachette Engineering Economy. New York: American Telephone and Telegraph Co. C. G. Hempel: Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical Science. William Edmund Hick: On the Role of Gain of Information. Qart. J. exp. Psychol. 4 (1952), 11-26 William Edmund Hick: Why the human operator? Cambridge 1952 (Publications of the Great Britain Medical Research Council, 181) Carl Iver Hovland: A "Communication Analysis" of Concept Learning. Psychol. Rev. 59 (1952) John L. Kennedy: The Uses and Limitations of Mathematical Models, Game Theory and Systems Analysis in Planning and Problem Solution. RAND Corp. P-266. Pierre de Latil:
Introduction à la cybernetique: la pensée artificielle. Paris: Gallimard 1952,
12. Aufl. 1953; C. P. Leeman: Patterns of Sociometric Choice in Small Groups. A Mathematical Model and Related Experimentations. Sociometry 15 (1952), 220. Marion J. Levy Jr.: The Structure of Society. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press W. A. R. Leys: Ethics for Policy Decisions. New York: Prentice-Hall. Warren Sturgis McCulloch: Finality and Form in Nervous Activity. (American Lectures in Psychology) J. C. C. McKinsey: Introduction to the Theory of Games. New York: McGraw-Hill RAND-Corp.: On the Use and Limitations of Mathematical Models. The Theory of Games and Systems Analysis. Management Science 5 (1952), Nr. 3. G. E. Peterson: The Information-Bearing Elements of Speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 24 (1952), 629-636. !. Pollack: The Information of Elementary Auditory Displays. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 24 (1952), 745-749. Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown: Structure and Function in Primitive Society. New York/ Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press “Selbststeuerung”. Sonderheft des Scientific American 187 (September 1952), Nr. 3. Martin Shubik: Information, Theories of Competition and the Theory of Games. Journal of Political Economy 60.2, 1952, 145-150. Herbert Alexander Simon: An Application of Servomechanism Theory to Production Control. Econometrica (1952)[ vgl. 1951]. O. J. M. Smith, H. F. Erdley: An Electronic Analogue for an Economic System. Electrical Engineering 71, 1952, 363-366. Symposium on Information Theory 2; 1952 Renato Tagiuri: Relational Analysis. An Extension of Sociometric Method with Emphasis upon Social Perception. Sociometry 15 (1952), 91-104. Abraham Wald: Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications. New York. E. H. Weinwurm: Limitations of the Scientific Method in Management Science. Management Science 3 (1952), Nr. 3. E. T. Whittaker: Eddington’s Principle in the Philosophy of Science. American Scientist 40 (1952), 45-60. John Oulton Wisdom: The
Hypothesis of Cybernetics. Brit. Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (1952) J. H. Woodger: Biology and Language. Cambridge University Press.
C. West Churchman
organisiert die ersten Kurzseminare des Case Institute of Technology über
Operations Research Gründung der Operations
Research Society of America;
American Management Association: Automation and Other Technological Advances. David Arthur Bell: Information Theory and its Engineering Applications. London: Pitman 1953; 4. Aufl. 1968. Richard Ernest Bellman: Stability Theory of Differential Equations. New York: McGraw-Hill; Nachdruck New York: Dover/ London: Constable 1969. Kenneth E. Boulding: The organizational Revolution. New York: Harper Bertram Vivian Bowden: Faster than Thought. A Symposium on Digital Computing Machines. London: Pitman 1953, erneut 1964, 1971. Irwin D. J. Bross: Design for Decision. New York: Macmillan 1953; mehrere Aufl. bis 1966. Dorwin Cartwright, Alvin Zander (Hrsg.): Group Dynamics. Research and Theory. Evanston, Ill: Row, Peterson/ New York: White Plains, 2. Aufl. 1956. Edward Colin Cherry,
William Edmund Hick, Donald M. Mackay: Cybernetics. Advancement of Science, Bd.
10, 1953, 40, 393-406; R. Courant, D. Hilbert: Methods of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 1: Interscience. Norman Crolee Dalkey, Olaf Helmer-Hirschberg, F. B. Thompson: Report on a Preliminary Systems Analysis for Strategic Targets. RAND. Corp. RM-1011/PR. Robert A. Dahl and Charles E. Lindblom: Politics, Economics and Welfare. Planning and Politico-Economic Systems Resolved Into Basic Social Processes. New York: Harper. Karl W. Deutsch: Nationalism and Social Communication. Cambridge: Technology Press/ New York: Wiley. Albert Ducrocq: L’ère des robots. Paris: R. Julliard. David Easton: The Political System. An Inquiry into the State of Political Science. New York: Knopf. F. E. Egler: Bertalanffian Organismicism. Ecology 34 (1953), 443-446. Leon Festinger, Daniel Katz: Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences. New York: Dryden Press. W. R. Garner: An Informational Analysis of Absolute Judgments of Loudness. J. exper. Psychol. 46 (1953), 373-380. Stanford Goldman: Information Theory. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall/ London: Constable 1953; 3, Aufl. 1955; Nachdrucke New York: Dover 1968 und 2005. Charles F. Goodeve: Operation
Research as a Science. Operations Research 1 (1953), 166-180; Charles F. Goodeve, G. R. Ridley: A Survey of O.R. in Great Britain. Operational Research Quarterly 4 (1953), 21-24. E. A. Guillemin: Introductory Circuit Theory. New York: Wiley. Frank Harary, R. Z. Norman: Graph Theory as a mathematical Model in Social Science. Ann Arbor, Mich: University of Michigan Press Cyril C. Herrmann, John F. Magee: Operations Research for Management. Harvard Business Review 31 (July-Aug. 1953), 4, 100-112. G. Hindrichs: Toward a Philosophy of Operations Research. Philosophy of Science 20 (January 1953), 1, 66. Louis Hjelmslev:
Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. Baltimore, Md.: Waverly Press 1953; 2.
Aufl. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press 1961, erneut 1963 (aus dem Dänischen: Omkring sprogteoriens
grundlæggelse, 1943); Charles J. Hitch: Sub-Optimization in Operations Problems. J. of the Operations Research Society of America 1 (1953), Nr. 3. M. Horwitz et al.: Motivational Effects of Alternate Decision-Making in Groups. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois, ONR Tech. Rep. C. T. Hovlard, I. Janis, H. H. Kelley: Communication and Persuasion. New Haven: Yale University Press Willis Jackson (Ed.): Communication Theory. Papers Read at a Symposium. Hans Jonas: A Critique of Cybernetics. Social Research 20 (1953), 2, 172-192. Les machines à calculer et la pensée humaine, Paris, 8-13 janvier 1951. Paris: En vente au Service des publications du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1953. S. J. Mason: On the Logic of Feed-back. Technical Report No. 153, Research Laboratory for Electronics. Cambridge: MIT. Omar K. Moore, Donald J.
Lewis: Purpose and Learning Theory. Psychological Review 60 (May 1953), 149-156 Siegfried F. Nadel:
Social Control and Self-Regulation. Social Forces 31 (March 1953), 265-273 Ernest Nagel: Teleological Explanation and Teleological Systems. In S. Ratner (Ed.): Vision and Action. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 192-222. Roger Nett:
Conformity-Deviations and the Social Control Concept. Ethics 64 (1953), 38-45 Talcott Parsons, Robert F. Bales, Edward A Shils: Working Papers in the Theory of Action. Glencoe, Ill. Henry Quastler: Essays on the Use of Information Theory in Biology. Urbana: University of Illinois Press Henry Quastler: Feedback Mechanisms in Cellular Biology. Transactions of the Ninth American Conference on Cybernetics. New York: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Anatol Rapoport: Spread of Information Through a Population with Socio-Structural Bias. Bull. Math. Biophysics 15 (1953), 523ff (I); 532ff (II); 16 (1954), 75 ff (III). Anatol Rapoport:
Operational Philosophy; Integrating Knowledge and Action. New York: Harper; Marcel-Paul Schützenberger: Contributons aus applications statistiques de la théorie de l’information. (Diss. Univ. de Paris, 1953) Paris: Sennac 1953; Paris: Institut de Statistique de l’Université de Paris 1954 Claude Elwood Shannon: Computers and Automata. Proceedings IRE 41 (1953), Nr.10, 1235-1241. Martin Shubik: Game Theory and Operations Research. Martin Shubik: The Role of Game Theory in Economics. David M. Sparling et al: Operations Research and Business. Boston: Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration. M. E. Spiro: A Typology of Functional Analysis. Explorations 1 (1953). A. T. Starr: Radio and Radar Technique. London: Pitman. Arnold Tustin: The Mechanism of Economic Systems. An Approach to the Problem of Economic Stabilization from the Point of View of Control-System Engineering. Cambridge, Mass./ London: Heinemann, 2. Aufl. 1957. C. E. Waston: Analysis of the human operator in a closed-loop system. San Antonio, Tex., 6561st Research and Development Group, perceptual and Motor Skills Research Laboratory, Human Resources Research Center, Air Research and Development Command, Lackland Air Force Base William Gray Walter: The
Living Brain. 2. Aufl. 1961; Philip Mayne Woodward: Probability and Information Theory. With Applications to Radar. London: Pergamon Press/ New York: McGraw-Hill 1953; 3. Aufl. 1957
1. Sommerkurs über Operations Research am MIT sowie am Caltech; ferner Ausbildung in Operations Resaerch an der Johns Hopkins University. Zeitschrift: Systems for modern management. New York (gegründet 1937). Gründung des Institute of Management Science (1954 Zeitschrift: Management Science)
American Management Association: The Impact of Computers on Office Management. Gerhard R. Andlinger: Operations research. Challenge to modern management. A student report, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration. Boston W. Ross Asby: The applications of cybernetics to psychiatry. Journal of Mental Science 100, 1954, 114-124. Yehosua Bar-Hillel, Rudolf Carnap: Semantic Information. Brit. J. Philos. Sci. 4 (1953/54), 147-157. David Blackwell, Meyer A. Girshick: Theory of games and statistical decisions. New York: Wiley/ London: Chapman and Hall 1954; mehrere ed. bis New York: Dover 1979. A. W. Boldyreff: Systems Engineering. RAND-Corp. P-537. Edward George Bowen
(Ed.): A textbook of radar. A collective work. Radiophysics Laboratory, Sidney.
Cambridge: University Press 1954; H. Chernoff: Rational Detection of Decision Functions. Econometrica 22 (1954), 422-443. Current Trends in Information Theory. Seven Lectures by B. McMillan and Others. Pittsburgh. G. B. Dantzig et al.: Solution of a Large-Scale Traveling-Salesman Problem. J. Operation Res. Soc. of Amer. 2 (1954), 393-410. J. Delafresnaye, Wilder Penfield, H. H. Jasper (Eds.): Brain Mechanism and Consciousness. Oxford. Symposium 1953. Ward Edwards: The Theory of Decision-Making. Psychol. Bull. 51 (1954), 380-417. B. G. Farley, W. A. Clarke : Simulation of Self -Organizing Systems by Digital Computers. Proc. IRE 4, 76 (1954) Georges Théodule
Guilbaud: La Cybernétique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2. Aufl.
1957; P. G. Herbst: The Analysis of Social Flow Systems. Human Relations 7 (1954), 327-336. C. C. Hurd. Simulation by Computation as an Operations Research Tool. Operations Research 2, 1954, 205-207. M. L. Hurni: The Use of Operations Research in Inventory Control. Proc. of the OR Conference, Soc. for the Advancement of Management (1954) M. L. Hurni: Observations on Operations Research. J. Oper. Res. Soc. Am. 2 (Aug. 1954), No. 3, 234-248. Alex Inkeles, Daniel J. Levinson: National Character. The Study of Modal Personality and Sociocultural Systems. In Gardner Lindzey (Hrsg.): Handbook of Social Psychology. Vol. II, Reading, Mass., 977-1020. Ellis Johnson: A Survey of OR in the USA. Operational Research Quarterly, 5 (1954), 43-48. Michael Kalecki: Theories of Economic Dynamics. An essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy. London: Allen and Unwin/ New York: Rinehart 1954; mehrere Aufl. bis 1969. R. La Pierre: Theory of Social Control. New York Paul F. Lazarsfeld: Mathematical thinking in the Social Sciences. Glencoe, Ill. S. J. Mason: Feedback Theory. Some Properties of Signal-Flow-Graphs. Proc. IRE 42 (1954), 44. Joseph F. McCloskey and
Florence N. Trefethen (Eds.): Operations Research for Management. 2 Bde,
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press 1954-56 (In Bd. 1 Florence N. Trefethen: A
History of Operations Research); 5. Aufl. 1960; Oskar Morgenstern: The Compressibility of Organizations and Economic Systems. RAND Corp. RM-1325-PR. O. H. Mowrer: Ego
Psychology, Cybernetics and Learning Theory. In Donald K. Adams et al. (Hrsg.):
Learning Theory and Clinical Research, 81-90 Nicolas Rashevsky: Topology and Life. Bull. Math. Biophysics 16 (1954), 317-348. Operations Research. Challenge to Modern Management. Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. Operations Research. Business Information Sources 25 (February 1954), 2, 5-8. Charles Egerton Osgood, T. A. Sebeok (Eds.): Psycholinguistics. A survey of theory and research problems. Report of the 1953 Summer Seminar. With: A survey of psycholinguistic research, 1954-1964, by A. Richard Diebold, and: The psycholinguists, by George A. Miller. Baltimore: Waverly 1954; Neudruck Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press 1965. A. W. Phillips: Stabilization Policy in a Closed Economy. Economic Journal, London (1954) Kendrick Porter, Edward A. Mahoney: Cybernetics and Product Design. The Consulting Engineer (Feb. 1954) Proceedings of Operations Research Conference. Society for the Advancement of Management. New York. J. Rothstein: Information, Organization and Systems. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, IT-4 (1954), 64-66. Raymond Ruyer: La cybernétique et l'origine de l'information. Paris: Flammarion Wilbur Schramm (Hrsg.): The Process and Effects of Mass Communication. Urbana, Ill. Marcel-Paul
Schützenberger: A Tentative Classification of Goal-Seeking Behaviours. Journal
of Mental Science 100 (1954), 97-102 Seminar on Operations Research. Railway Systems and Procedures Association. Martin Shubik (Hrsg.): Readings in Game Theory and Political Behavior. New York: Doubleday 1954. David Slepian: Information Theory. Operations Research for Management 1, 1954, 149-167. W. Sluckin: Mind and Machines. London: Penguin Books (polnisch 1957) Harold F. Smiddy, Lionel Naum: Evolution of a 'Science of Managing' in America. Management Science 1 (Oct. 1954), 1, 1-31. Robert MacDowell Thrall, Clyde H. Coombs, Robert L. Davis (Hrsg.): Decision Processes. (A collection of papers based on the proceedings of the University of Michigan seminar on the design of experiments in decision processes held at Santa Monica, California in 1952) New York: Wiley/ London: Chapman and Hall 1954, 2. Aufl. 1957, erneut 1960. Hsue Shen Tsien:
Engineering Cybernetics. New York: McGraw-Hill; A. M. Uttley: The Classification of Signals in the Nervous System. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol. 6 (1954), 479-494. F. Weber (Ed.): Symposium on Information Networks. New York. John Davis Williams: The Compleat Strategyst. Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill 1954; zahlreiche ed. bis New York: Dover 1986.
Gründung der Society for
the Advancement of General Systems Theory innerhalb der American Association
for the Advancement of Science durch Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Kenneth Boulding,
Ralph W. Gerard und Anatol Rapoport; IEEE: Transactions on
Circuits and Systems. Zeitschrift: Automatic
Control. New York: Reinhold, 1954-1963; Zeitschrift „Automation. The Magazine for Manufacturing Systems Engineering“, Cleveland, Ohio: Penton
Yehosua Bar-Hillel: An Examination of Information Theory. Ludwig von Bertalanffy:
General System Theory. Main Currents in Modern Thought 11 (1955), 75-83 Ludwig von Bertalanffy: An essay on the relativity of categories. Philosophy of Science, 1955, 225, 243-263 Peter M. Blau: The Dynamics of Bureaucracy. A Study of Interpersonal Relations in Two Government Agencies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Léon Brillouin. Science et information. Paris: Extrait de 'la Nouvelle N.R.F.', 1er juillet 1955 Robert R. Bush, Frederick Mosteller: Stochastic Models for Learning. New York: Wiley/ London: Chapman and Hall 1955, 2. ed. 1964. Ned Chapin: An Introduction to Automatic Computers. A Systems Approach for Business. Princeton: Van Nostrand W. A. Clark, B. G. Farley: Generalization of Pattern Recognition in a Self -Organizing System. Proc. West. Joint Computer Conf. 1955, 86-91. Kenneth George Denbigh:
The principles of chemical equilibrium. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1955; Albert Ducrocq: La
découverte de la cybernétique. Paris: R. Julliard; Heinz von Foerster (Ed.): Transactions of the 9.-10. Conferences of Cybernetics 1952, 1953. Macy 1953-1955. Paul A. Hare, Edgar F. Borgatta, Robert F. Bales (Hrsg.): Small Groups. Studies in Social Interaction. New York: Knopf, rev. ed. 1965. Charles J. Hitch: An
Appreciation of Systems Analysis. RAND-Corp. Paper P-699, 18. August 1955
revised Bradford Howland, Jerome Ysroael Lettvin, Warren Sturgis McCulloch, Walter Harry Pitts, Patrick David Wall: Reflex Inhibition by Dorsal Root Interaction. Journal of Neurophysiology 18, 1955, 1-17. Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Morris Rosenberg (Hrsg.): The Language of Social Research. A Reader in the Methodology of Social Research. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press. W. N. Locke, A. D. Booth (Hrsg.): Machine Translations of Languages. Cambridge, Mass., New York. Charles A. McClelland: Applications of General Systems Theory in International Relations. Main Currents in Modern Thought 12 Warren Sturgis McCulloch: Summary of the Points of Agreement Reached in the Previous Nine Conferences on Cybernetics. In Heinz von Foerster (Hrsg.): Cybernetics. Circular Causal and Feedback Mechanisms in Biological Social Systems. New York., Appendix I. James Grier Miller: Toward a General Theory for the Behavioral Science. American Psychologist 10 (1955), 513-531. Harold Ernest Penrose, Reginald
Sidney Henry Boulding: Principles and Practice of Radar. London: Newness; Ilya Prigogine: Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas 1955. Proceedings of the Conference on What is Operations Research Accomplishing in Industry? April 5-7, 1955. Sponsored by the Operations Research Group, Engineering Administration Dept., Case Institute of Technology. Cleveland, Ohio:Case Institute of Technology. Henry Quastler (Hrsg.): Information Theory in Psychology. Problems and Methods. Proceedings of a Conference on the Estimation of Information Flow. Monticello, Illinois, July 5-9, 1954, and Related Papers. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press Nicolas Rashevsky: Note on a Combinatorial Problem in Topological Biology. Bull. Math. Biophysics 17 (1955), 45-50. Nicolas Rescher, Paul Oppenheim: Logical Analysis of Gestalt Concepts. Brit. J. for the Philosophy of Science 6 (1955), 89-106. Martin Shubik: The Uses of Game Theory in Management Science. Management Science 1955; Herbert Alexander Simon: A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice. Quarterly Journal of Economics 59 (1955), 99-118. Thoralf Skolem: Mathematical Interpretation of Formal Systems. Amsterdam: North-Holland Charles W. Slack:
Feedback Theory and the Reflex Arc Concept. Psychological Review 62 (1955),
263-266 Richard C. Snyder: Game Theory and the Analysis of Political Behavior. In Stephen K. Bailey et al. (Hrsg.): Research Frontiers in Politics and Government. Brookings Lectures 1955. Washington. H. M. Trent: Isomorphisms Between Oriented Graphs and Lumped Physical Systems. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 27 (1955), 3, 500-527. John Groff Truxal:
Automatic Feedback Control System Synthesis. New York: McGraw-Hill; Patrick David Wall, Warren Sturgis McCulloch, Jerome Ysroael Lettvin, Walter Harry Pitts: Effects of Strychnine With Special Reference to Spinal Afferent Fibres. Epilepsia Series 3.4, 1955, 29-40.
Gabriel A. Almond: Comparative Political Systems. Journal of Politics 18 (1956), 391-409. An Introduction to Systems Analysis. RAND Corp. RM-1678-PR. William Ross Ashby: Design for an Intelligence-Amplifier. Automata Studies, Princeton University Press (1956), 215-234. W. Ross Asby: The effect of experience on a determinate dynamic system. Behavioral Science 1, 1956, 35-42. William Ross Ashby: An
Introduction to Cybernetics. London: Chapman & Hall, erneut 1964,
zahlreiche ed. bis 1984; "Automatic
Control"; Automation. A Report on the Technical Trends and their Impact on Management and Labour. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Stafford Beer: The Impact of Cybernetics on the Concept of Industrial Organization. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Cybernetics. Namur. Stafford Beer: A Technical Consideration of the Cybernetic Analogue for Planning and Programming. Process Control and Automata 3 (1956), 8/9. Vitold Belevitch: Langage des machines et langage humain. Bruxelles: Office de Publicité. Ludwig von Bertalanffy,
Anatol Rapoport (Hrsg.): Yearbook of the Society for General Systems Research:
General Systems, Ann Arbor, 1956ff; Amar G. Bose: A Theory of Nonlinear Systems. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, Research Laboratory of Electronics Technical Report, No. 309, 1956. Brain Mechanisms and Consciousness. Symposium Oxford. Léon Brillouin: Science
and Information Theory. New York: Academic Press 1956; 2. Aufl. 1962; R. C. Buck: On the Logic of General Behavior Systems Theory. In Herbert Feigl, Michael Scriven (Eds.): Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1 (1956), 223-228. Edward Colin Cherry (Ed.): Information Theory. Papers Reed at a Symposium on Information Theory Held at the Royal Institution, London, 12.-16.9.1955; London: Butterworth's Scientific Publications 1956 Serge Colomb, Pierre Liénart: About automation. Paris: OEEC Peter F. Drucker in
Elizabeth Marting (Hrsg.): General Management Series, No. 176. Proceedings. New
York: American Manaagement Association 1956 David Easton: Limits of the Equilibrium Model in Social Research. Behavioral Science 1 (1956), 96-104. Engineering Studies of Economy. Long Island Lighting Co. Jean Fourastié: Histoire de demain.. Paris: Presses universitaires de France 1956 ( Que sais-je ? Nr. 711), 4. Aufl. 1968. Frank H. George: Logical Networks and Behavior. Bull. Math. Biophysics 18 (1956). Jean-Charles Gille, Marc
J. Pelegrin, Paul Decaulne: Théorie et technique des asservissements. Paris:
Dunod; Roy Richard Grinker (Ed.): Toward a Unified Theory of Human Behavior. An Introduction to General Systems Theory. New York: Basic Books, 2. Aufl. 1967. Georges Hartmann: Le
patronat, les salariés, l'état face à l'automation. Neuchâtel: Éditions de La
Baconnière; Malcom W. Hoag: An
Introduction to Systems Analysis. RAND-Corp, P-1678 Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes. 1st Conference (1956, 28.-30. Nov.: Liblice, Czechoslovakia). Papers. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences ; Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. Roman Jakobson, Morris
Halle: Fundamentals of Language. S’Gravenhage; Herman Kahn, Irwin Mann: Techniques of Systems Analysis. RAND Corp. RM-1829-PR. J. L. Kelly, Jr.: A New Interpretation of Information Rate. Bell System Technical Journal 35, July 1956, 917-926. S. C. Kleene: Representation of Events in Nerve Nets and Finite Automata. Automata Studies. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. D. Lockwood: Some Remarks
on the „Social System“. Brit. J. of Sociology 7 (1956), 134-146 Donald M. MacKay: Toward
an Information-Flow Model of Human Behaviour. Brit. J. of Psychology 47 (1956),
30-43 Warren Sturgis McCulloch: Brain. A Computer with Negative Feedback. IRE Trans. Elec. Comp, EC 5 (1956), 240-241. George A. Miller: The Magical Number Seven, Plus & Minus Two. Some Limits of Our Capacity for Processing Information. Psychological Review 63 (March 1956), 81ff. E. F. Moore, Claude Elwood Shannon: Reliable Circuits Using Less Reliable Relays I, II. J. Franklin Institute 262 (1956), 3, 191-208; 4, 281-297. Ernest Nagel: A
Formalization of Functionalism. In Ernest Nagel: Logic Without Metaphysics.
Free Press, 247-283 Operations research. A basic approach. Papers
adapted from material originally presented at the AMA Finance Division seminar
held Jan. 23-25, 1956, in Chicago and March 28-30, 1956, in New York. New York: American
Management Association, Finance Division; Operations research. Explained and applied. Conference handbook. Published for distribution at the AMA special finance conference, October 3-5, 1956, Hotel Roosevelt, New York Talcott Parsons, Neil J. Smelser: Economy and Society: A Study in the Integration of Economic and Social Theory. Glencoe, Ill: Free Press. Kerns H. Powers: A Unified Theory of Information. Cambridge, Mass: MIT, Research Laboratory of Electronics 1956. Henry Quastler: Information Theory in Psychology. Problems and Methods. Proceedings of a Conference on the Estimation of Information Flow. Monticelli, Ill., July 1954 Anatol Rapoport: The
Promise and Pitfalls of Information Theory. Behavioral Science 1 (1956), 4,
304-315 K. J. Schlager: Systems Engineering – Key to Modern Development. IRE Transactions, Prof. Gp. Eng. Management 3, 1956, 64-66 D. A. Scholl: The Organization of the Cerebral Cortex. London: Methuen/ New York. Claude Elwood Shannon,
John McCarthy (Eds.): Automata Studies. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University
Press; Claude Elwood Shannon: A Chess-Playing- Machine. The World of Mathematics 4 (1956), 2124-2133. Herbert Alexander Simon:
Rational Choice and the Structure of Environment. Psychological Review 63
(1956), 129-138 Vladimir Viktorovic Solodovnikov: Nekotorye certy kibernetiki. Moskva: Znanie (30 Seiten). Eric Southwell: Application of automation in Europe. Paris: OEEC John Lawrence Stewart:
Circuit Theory and Design. New York: Wiley; Yeram Sarkis Touloukian: Concept of Entropy in Communication, Living Organisms and Thermodynamics. Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University 1956. Alan Mathison Turing: Can a Machine Think? The World of Mathematics 4 (1956), 2199-2123. A. M. Uttley: Temporal and Spatial Patterns in a Conditional Probability Machine. Automata Studies. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 277-285. Steven Vajda: The Theory
of Games and Linear Programming. London: Methuen; William H. Whyte: The
Organization Man. London: Jonathan Cape; Norbert Wiener: I Am a
Mathematician. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press/ Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday/
London: Victor Gollancz 1956; Pieter de Wolff: Operations Research. 's Gravenhage: G. Delwel
R. D. G. Allen: Mathematical Economics. London, New York. Leo Apostel, Benoît Mandelbrot, Albert Morf: Logique, langage et théorie de l'information. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France; Nachdruck Nendeln/ Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint 1974. Kenneth Joseph Arrow: Decision Theory and Operations Research. Operations Research 5 (1957), Nr. 5. Stafford Beer: The Scope for Operational Research in Industry. Presented to the Institution of Production Engineers, in Sheffield, on 18th March 1957 as the 1956 George Bray Memorial Lecture. Institution of Production Engineers Stafford Beer: Operational Research and Financial Management Accounting Research 8 (1957), Nr. 1. Stafford Beer: Control Systems. An Introduction to Operational Research. London: English Universities Press. Richard Bellman: Dynamic Programming. Princeton, N. J. Donald E. Broadbent: A Mechanical Model for Human Attention and Immediate Memory. Psychol. Rev. 64 (1957), 205-215. Edward Colin Cherry: On
Human Communication. A review, a survey, and a criticism. New York: Wiley/
London: Chapman & Hall; 3. Aufl. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 1978 Noam Chomsky: Syntactic Structures. Den Haag. C. West Churchman,
Russell L. Ackoff, E. Leonard Arnoff: Introduction to Operations Research. New
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