![]() 1953-2006
siehe auch Literatur: Mode
Peter Noble, Yvonne Saxon (Hrsg.): Glamour. Film Fashion & Beauty. London: Burke 1953. Giuseppe Maria Lo Duca: L'érotisme au cinéma. Paris: Pauvert 1957; Edith Head, Jane Kesner Ardmore: The Dress Doctor. Boston: Little, Brown 1959; Kingswood: World's Work 1960. Marylin Bender Altschul: The Beautiful People. New York: Coward-McCann 1967; New York: Dell 1968.
John Russell Taylor, Arthur Jackson: The Hollywood Musical. New York: McGraw-Hill/ London: Secker and Warburg 1971. Marjorie Rosen: Popcorn Venus. Women, Movies and the American Dream. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan 1973; New York: Avon 1974; London: Owen 1975.
Charles Spencer: Cecil Beaton. Stage and Film Designs. London: Academy Editions/ New York: St. Martin's Press 1975; revised edition 1994. Janice R. Welsch: Film Archetypes. Sisters, Mistresses, Mothers and Daughters. Thesis Northwestern University 1975; New York: Arno Press 1976, 1978.
David Chierichetti: Hollywood Costume Design. New York: Crown - Harmony Books/ London: Studio Vista 1976. Leslie Halliwell: Mountain of Dreams. The Golden Years of Paramount Pictures. New York: Stonehill/ London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon 1976. John Kobal: Hollywood Glamour Portraits. 145 Photos of Stars, 1926-1949. New York: Dover 1976. Elizabeth Leese: Costume Design in the Movies.
Bembridge: BCW Publications 1976; New York: Ungar 1977, 1983; Dale McConathy, Diana Vreeland: Hollywood Costume. Glamour, Glitter, Romance. New York: Abrams 1976. Helen Rose: "Just Make Them Beautiful". The Many Worlds of a Design Woman. Santa Monica, Calif.: Dennis-Landman Publishers 1976.
Hollywood Film Costume. Exhibition. Manchester: University of Manchester 1977. John Kobal: Movie-Star Portraits of the Forties. 163
Glamour Photos. New York: Dover 1977;
Anne Hollander: Seeing Through Clothes. New York: Viking Presss 1978; New York: Penguin Book 1988; Berkeley; Calif.: University of California Press 1993; 2000. Ingrid Loschek: Mode im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine Kulturgeschichte unserer Zeit. München: Bruckmann 1978; 2. Aufl. 1984; 5. Aufl. 1995.
Erika Billeter: Amerika Mode 1920-1940. Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Zürich. Zürich: Kunsthaus 1979.
John Kobal: Film-Star Portraits of the Fifties. 160 Glamour Photos. New York: Dover 1980. W. Robert la Vine: In A Glamorous Fashion. The Fabulous Years of Hollywood Costume Design. New York: Scribner 1980; London: Allen & Unwin 1981.
Susan Perez Prichard: Film Costume. An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen. N. J.: Scarecrow 1981.
Annette Kuhn: Women's Pictures. Feminism and Cinema. London: Routledge 1982; London: Verso 1994.
Lois W. Banner: American Beauty. New York: Knopf 1983; Chicago: Chicago University Press 1984; Los Angeles: Figueroa Press 2006. Edith Head, Paddy Calisto: Edith Head's Hollywood. New York: Dutton 1983. Helen Rose: The Glamorous World of Helen Rose. Palm Springs, Calif.: Helen Rose 1983.
Franz C. Gundlach (Hrsg.): Vom New Look zum Petticoat. Deutsche Modephotographie der 50er Jahre (Ausstellung PPS-Galerie Hamburg, 1983). Berlin: Frölich & Kaufmann 1984.
Elizabeth Wilson: Adorned in Dreams. Fashion and
Modernity. London: Virago 1985; Berkeley: University of California Press 1987;
London: Tauris 2003;
Richard Dyer: Heavenly Bodies. Film Stars and Society. Basingstoke: Macmillan 1986; mehrere Aufl bis 2005.
Edward Maeder (Hrsg.): Hollywood and History. Costume Design in Film. Exhibition organized by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. New York: Thames and Hudson 1987.
Peter Bauland: From buckskin to trenchcoat. In Alfred Weber, Bettina Friedl (Hrsg.): Film in Amerika. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1988. Madeleine Delpierre, Marianne de Fleury, Dominique Lebrun: French Elegance in the Cinema. Paris: Editions Paris-Musées 1988. E. Deidre Pribram: Female Spectators. Looking at Film and Television. London: Verso 1988. Valerie Steele: Paris Fashion. A Cultural History. New York: Oxford University Press 1988; Oxford/ New York: Berg 1998. Gaylyn Studlar: In the Realm of Pleasure. Von Sternberg, Dietrich and the Masochistic Aesthetic. Urbana: University of illinois Press 1988; New York: Columbia University Press 1992.
Wolf Donner, Jürgen Menningen: Signale der Sinnlichkeit. Erotik im Film. München: Heyne 1989. Jane Gaines, Charlotte Herzog (Hrsg.): Fabrications. Costume and the Female Body. Chur: Harwood 1989; New York: Routledge 1989, 1990. Jane Gaines, Michael Renov (Hrsg.): Female Representation and Consumer Culture. Chur: Harwood Academic 1989. Elizabeth Wilson, Lou Taylor: Through the Looking Glass. A History of Dress from 1860 to the Present Day. London: BBC Books 1989.
Regine Engelmeier, Peter W. Engelmeier (Hrsg.): Film
und Mode, Mode im Film. Ausstellung Frankfurt am Main 1990. München: Prestel
1990; 3. Aufl. 1997;
Jeremy G. Butler: Star Texts. Image and Performance in Film and Television. Detroit: Wayne State University Press 1991. Christine Gledhill: Stardom. Industry of Desire. London: Routledge 1991; mehrere Auflagen. Ingrid Loschek: Mode. Verführung und Notwendigkeit. Struktur und Strategie der Aussehensveränderung. München: Bruckmann 1991. Valerie Steele: Women of Fashion. Twentieth Century Designers. New York: Rizzoli 1991.
Karen Ellwanger: Schnittformen der Liebe. Mode und Film zu Beginn der 50er (Zum Film: "Dr. Holl - Die Geschichte einer grossen Liebe", 1951). In Heidi Lerche-Renn (Hrsg.): Kleid und Menschenbild. Köln: Claus Richter Verlag 1992, 95-117. J. N. Stull: The Maidenform Campaign: Reaffirming the Feminine Ideal. Connecticut Review 14.1, 1992, 1-7. Andrea Weiss: Vampires & Violets. Lesbians in the
Cinema. London: Cape 1992; New York: Penguin Books 1993;
Jeanine Basinger: A Woman's View. How Hollywood Spoke to Women, 1930-1960. Hanover: Wesleyan University Press/ New York: Knopf/ London: Chatto & Windus 1993. Marsha Hunt: The Way We Wore. Styles of the 1930s and 1940s and Our World Since Then. Fallbrook, Calif.: Fallbrook 1993. Judith Mayne: Cinema and Spectatorship. London: Routledge 1993; erneut 1995., 2003. Elizabeth Wilson: Audrey Hepburn: Fashion, Film and the 50s. In Pam Cook, Philip Dodd (Hrsg.): Women and Film. A Sight and Sound Reader. London: Scarlet/ Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1993, 36-40.
Sue Harper: Picturing the Past. The Rise and Fall of the British Costume Film. London: BFI Publications 1994. Jackie Stacey: Star Gazing. Hollywood Cinema and Female Spectatorship. London: Routledge 1994.
Fred E. Basten, Robert A. Salvatore, Paul A. Kaufman: Max Factor's Hollywood. Glamour, Movies and Make-up. Los Angeles: General Publishing 1995. Patty Fox: Star Style. Hollywood Legends as Fashion Icons. Santa Monica, Calif.: Angel City Press 1995. Jürgen Trimborn: Die Pose als Inszenierungsmittel der Sexbombe im amerikanischen Film der fünfziger und sechziger Jahre. Magisterarbeit Univ. Köln 1995; Köln Leppin 1997. Jerry Vermilye: The Complete Films of Audrey Hepburn. New York: Carol Publications 1995.
Pam Cook: Fashioning the Nation. Costume and Identity in British Cinema. London: BFI Publications 1996. Richard Martin, Harold Koda: Dior (1947-1957). Photographs by Karin L. Willis. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1996.
Linda O'Keffee: Shoes. New York: Workman 1996; Barry Paris: Audrey Hepburn. New York: Putnam 1996; London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1997;
Stella Bruzzi: Undressing Cinema. Clothes, Identities, Film. London: Routledge 1997. Valerie Steele: Fifty Years of Fashion. From New Look to Now. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 1997; erneut 2000..
Terry Jones (Hrsg.): Fashion/Cinema. Biennale di Firenze 1998. Milano: Electra 1998.
Françoise Mohrt: Le style Givenchy. Paris: Assouline 1998; Sandy Schreier: Hollywood Dressed & Undressed. A Century of Cinema Style. New York: Rizzoli 1998.
François Baudot: Mode du siècle. Paris: Assouline
1999; Gerda Buxbaum (Hrsg.): Mode! Das 20. Jahrhundert. München: Prestel 1999; Pamela Clarke Keogh: Audreystyle. New York: HarperCollins 1999. Stefania Ricci: Audrey Hepburn. Una donna, lo syle. Milano: Lenardo arte 1999; erneut 2001 und 2003. Charlotte Seeling: Mode. Das Jahrhundert der
Designer. 1900-1999. Köln: Könemann 1999; erneut 2005; Annette Tappert: The Power of Glamour. The Women Who Defined the Magic of Stardom. New York: Crown 1998; London: Aurum 1999.
Sarah Berry: Screen Style. Fashion and Feminity in 1930s Hollywood. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2000. Elizabeth Ann Kaplan (Hrsg.): Feminism and Film. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2000. Gaylyn. Studlar: "Chi-chi Cinderella". Audrey Hepburn as Couture Countermodel. In David M. Desser, Garth S. Jowett (Hrsg.): Hollywood Goes Shopping. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2000, 159-178.
Howard Gutner: Gowns by Adrian. The MGM Years 1928-1941. New York: Abrams 2001. Ingrid Loschek: Fashion of the Century. Chronik der Mode von 1900 bis heute. Augsburg: Battenberg 2001; 2. Aufl. 2005. William J. Mann: Behind the Screen. How Gays and Lebsians Shaped Hollywood 1910-1969. New York: Viking 2001. Melvyn Stokes, Richard Maltby (Hrsg.): Hollywood Spectatorship. Changing Perspectives of Cinema Audiences. London: British Film Institute 2001. Sarah Street: Costume and Cinema. Dress Codes in Popular Film. London: Wallflower Press 2001.
Rosa Burger: Contemporary Costume Design. Dress Code und weibliche Stereotype im Hollywood-Film. Teilweise Diss. Univ. Wien. Wien: WUV-Verlag 2002. David Chierichetti: Edith Head. The Life and Times of Hollywood's Celebrated Costume Designer. New York: HarperCollins 2002, 2003. Rachel Moseley: Growing up with Audrey Hepburn. Text, audience, resonance. Manchester: Manchester United Press 2002. Nancy J. Troy: Couture Culture. A Study in Modern Art and Fashion. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 2002, 2003. Bob Willoughby: Audrey. An Intimate Collection. London: Vision On 2002;
Christopher Breward: Fashion. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003; Chapter 6: Fashion and Film.
Giovanna Bertelli, Federico Garolla Di Bard: Dolce Italia. The Beautiful Life of Italy in the Fifties and Sixties. New York: Rizzoli 2004. Patrizia Calefato: The Clothed Body. Oxford: Berg 2004; Kap. 11: Fashion and Cinema. Pam Cook: Screening the Past. Memory and Nostalgia in Cinema. London: Routledge 2004, 2005; Kap.: Fashion and Sexual Display in 1950s Hollywood. Caroline Cox: Stiletto. London: Mitchell Beazley/ New York: Harper Design International 2004.
Peter Basch: Verführung: Die schönen Frauen der sechziger Jahre. Berlin: Schwarzkopf und Schwarzkopf 2005. Antonella Giannone: Kleidung als Zeichen. Ihre Funktion im Alltag und ihre Rolle im Film westlicher Gesellschaften. Eine kultursemiotische Abhandlung. Diss. TU Berlin 2005; Berlin: Weidler 2005. Rachel Moseley (Hrsg.): Fashioning Film Stars. Dress, Culture, Identity. London: BFI Publications 2005 (u. a. über Audrey Hepburn, Doris Day, Brigitte Bardot). Linda Welters, Patricia A. Cunningham (Hrsg.): Twentieth-Century American Fashion. Oxford: Berg 2005.
Gabriele Jatho, Hans Helmut Prinzler: Traumfrauen. Stars im Film der fünfziger Jahre. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer 2006.
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