![]() Zwei Originalquellen
Inhalt Columella: Caseus gallicus Scriptores Historiae Augusteae: Alpinus caseus
siehe ferner: Plinius zum Käse er hat: Galliarum sapor (keineswegs: „Caseus Helveticus“)
Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella De re rustica libri XII, ca. 65 AD
http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/columella/columella.rr12.shtml http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Columella/home.html
English translation by E. S. Forster, Edward H. Heffner, 1965 (On Agriculture and Trees. III, Cambridge: Harvard University Press/ London: William Heinemann 1965) Deutsche Übersetzung von Will Richter, 1983 (Zwölf Bücher über Landwirtschaft. Bd. III, Zürich: Artemis 1983)
Liber 12
ALITER. [3] Caseum Gallicum vel cuiuscumque notae volueris minutatim concidito et conterito nucleosque pineos, si eorum copia fuerit, si minus, nuces avellanas torrefactas, adempta cute, vel amygdalas e<a>que, <quae> supra, condimenta pariter misceto acetique piperati exiguum adicito et permisceto compositumque oleo superfundito. [4] Si condimenta viridia non erunt, puleium aridum vel thymum vel origanum vel aridam satureiam cum caseo conterito acetumque piperatum et oleum adicito. Possunt tamen haec arida, si reliquorum non sit potestas, etiam singula caseo misceri.
Oxypori compositio
Piperis albi, si sit, si minus, nigri unciae tres, apii seminis unciae duae, laseris radicis, quod silphion Graeci vocant, sescunciam, casei sextantem; haec contusa et cribrata melli permisceto et in olla nova servato; deinde, cum exegerit usus, quantulumcumque ex eo videbitur, aceto et garo diluito.
Cut Gallic cheese, or any other sort you like, in minute pieces and pound it up; take pine-nuts, if you have plenty of them, but, if not, toasted hazelnuts after taking off their shells, or almonds and mix them in the same quantity over the herbs used for seasoning and add a little peppered vinegar and mix it in, and pour oil over the compound thus formed. If there are no green seasonings crush dry fleabane or thyme or marjoram or dried savory with the cheese and add peppered vinegar and oil; but any one of these herbs when dry, if the rest are not available, can also be mixed by itself with cheese.
How to make quick digestives
Quick digestives are prepared thus: Take three ounces of white pepper, if you have it, or, if not, of black, two ounces of parsley seed, an ounce and a half of assafoetida root, which the Greeks call silphium, and a sextans of cheese. Crush and sift them and mix them with honey and keep them in a new pot. Then, when you have occasion to use the mixture, dilute whatever slight quantity you think fit with vinegar and fish-sauce.
Ein weiteres Rezept: Gallischen Käse oder eine beliebige andere Sorte schneide man fein zusammen und verreibe Pinienkerne, falls man sie verfügbar hat; andernfalls geröstete Haselnüsse ohne ihre Haut oder Mandeln und mische darein die oben genannten Würzkräuter, gebe ein wenig Pfefferessig hinzu, rühre ihn ein und übergiesse die Zusammenstellung mit Öl. Ein weiteres Rezept: Sind frische Würzkräuter nicht vorhanden, dann verreibe man getrockneten Polei, Thymian, Origanum oder getrockneten Saturei mit Käse und gebe Pfefferessig und Öl hinzu. Von diesen Trockenkräutern kann man aber auch jedes einzelne mit Käse vermischen, wenn die andern nicht verfügbar sind.
Zusammensetzung eines Abführmittels
Man braucht drei unciae weissen Pfeffers, so man ihn hat, andernfalls schwarzen, zwei unciae Eppichsamen, anderthalb unciae Laserwurzel, die die Griechen silphion nennen, und einen sextarius Käse. Dies vermischt man, verrieben und gesiebt, mit Honig und verwahrt es in einem neuen Topf. Wenn man es braucht, verdünne man eine beliebig kleine Menge davon mit Essig und Fischmarinade.
Scriptores Historiae Augusteae Antoninus Pius Iuli Capitolini , died 161 AD
Kaiser Antoninus Pius und der Schweizer Käse
XII. 4-8
4 Perit anno septuagesimo, sed quasi adulescens desideratus est. Mors autem eius talis fuisse narratur: cum Alpinum caseum incena edisset avidius, nocte reiectavit atque alia die febre commotus est. 5 Tertia die, cum se gravari videret, Marco Antonino rem publicam et filiam praesentibus praefectis commendavit Fortunamque auream, quae in cubiculo principum poni solebat, tansferri ad eum iussit, 6 signum tum tribuno aequanimitatis dedit atque ita conversus quasi dormiret, spiritum reddidit apud Lorium. 7 Alienatus in febri nihil aliud quam de re p. et de his regibus, quibus irascebatur, loquutus est. 8 Privatum patrimonium filiae reliquit. Testamento autem omnes suos legatis idoneis prosecutus est.
English translation by David Magie
4. He died in the seventieth year of his age, but his loss was felt as though he had been but a youth. They say his death was somewhat as follows: after he had eaten too freely some Alpine cheese at dinner he vomited during the night, and was taken with a fever the next day. 5. On the second day, as he saw that his condition was becoming worse, in the presence of his prefects he committed the state and his daughter to Marcus Antoninus, and gave orders that the golden statue of Fortune, which was wont to stand in the bed-chamber of the emperor, be given to him. 6. Then he gave the watchword to the officer of the day as "Equanimity," and so, turning as if to sleep, gave up the ghost at Lorium. 7. While he was delirious with fever, he spoke of nothing save the state and certain kings with whom he was angry. 8. To his daughter he left his private fortune, and in his will he remembered all his household with suitable legacies.
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