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Subliminale Beeinflussung und subliminales Lernen

also: subliminal perception – unconscious perception





M. Suslowa: Veränderungen der Hautgefühle unter dem Einflusse electrischer Reizung. Zeitschrift für Rationelle Medicin, 1863, 18, 155-160.

Eduard von Hartmann: Philosophie des Unbewussten. Versuch einer Weltanschauung. Berlin: Duncker 1869;
7. Aufl. in 2 Bden; 1: Phänomenologie des Unbewussten; 2: Metaphysik des Unbewussten, 1876;
10. Aufl. mit Theil 3: Das Unbewusste und der Darwinismus, 1889;
Volksausgabe der ersten beiden Bde Stuttgart: Kröner 1913; erneut mit Theil 3, 1923; Nachdruck Eschborn: Klotz 1993;
Nachdruck der 1. Aufl. Hildesheim: Olms 1989;
engl.: Philosophy of the Unconscious. (In one volume). London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner 1931; London: Routledge 2001, erneut 2003.
Eduard von Hartmann: Das Unbewusste vom Standpunkt der Physiologie und Descendenztheorie. Berlin: Duncker 1872; 2. Aufl. 1877.

C. S. Peirce, J. Jastrow: On small differences in sensation. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 3, 1884, 73-83.

Edward Wheeler Scripture: The New Psychology. London: Scott/ New York: Scribner’s 1897; 2. Aufl. 1905.

Boris Sidis: The Psychology of Suggestion. A Research into the Subconscious Nature of Man and Society. New York: Appleton 1898; mehrere Aufl. bis 1927; Nachdruck New York: Arno Press 1973.




Knight Dunlap: The effect of imperceptible shadows on the judgment of distance. Psychological Review, 1900, 7, 435-453.

E. B. Titchener,  W. H. Pyle: The effect of imperceptible shadows on the judgment of distance. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1907, 46, 94-109.

H. M. Manro, M. F. Washburn: The effect of imperceptible line on the judgment of distance. American ]ournal of Psychology, 1908, 19, 242.

M. A. Stroh, M. Shaw, M. F. Washburn: A study of guessing. American Journal of Psychology 19, 1908, 243-245.

Harry Levi Hollingworth: Advertising and Selling. New York: D. Appleton 1913.

J. Bressler: Illusion in the case of subliminal visual stimulation. Journal of General Psychology, 1931, 5, 244-251.

Ole Andrew Simley: The Relation of Subliminal to Supraliminal Learning. New York: Columiba University 1933.

J. R. Stroop: Studies in interference in serial verbal reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology 18, 1935, 643-662.




Charles Fisher: Dreams, images, and perception: A study of unconscious-preconscious relationships. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4, 1956, 5-48.

J. K. Adams: Laboratory Studies of behavior without awareness. Psychological Bulletin 54, 1957, 383-405.

Charles Fisher: A study of the preliminary stages of the construction of dreams and images. J. Am. Psycho-analyt. Assoc. 5, 1957.

Vance Oakley Packard: The Hidden Persuaders. London: Longmans, Green/ New York: McKay 1957; Harmondsworth: Penguin 1960; New York: Pocket Bokks 1962; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1991; neue Ausgabe Brooklyn, N. Y.: Ig Publications 2007;
dt.: Die geheimen Verführer. Düsseldorf: Econ 1958; Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein 1962; zahlreiche Aufl. bis 1992.

Institute of Practicioners in Advertising: Subliminal Communication. London 1958 (34 Seiten).

J. V. McConnell, R. I. Cutler, E. B. McNeil: Subliminal stimulation: An overview. American Psychologist, 1958, 13, 229-242.

Alvin Walcott Rose: Motivation research and subliminal advertising. Social Research 25.3, 1958, 271-284.

E. Austin Dondero: Subliminal perception and set. Washington: The Catholic University Press 1959 (33 Seiten).




C. W. Eriksen: Discrimination and learning without awareness: A methodological survey and evaluation. Psychological Review 67, 1960, 279-300.

Otto Poetzl, Rudolf Allers, Jakob Teler: Preconscious stimulation in dreams, associations and images. Classical studies. New York: International University Press 1960 (Psychological Issues, Monograph nr. 7) (Poetzl – originally published in 1917).

H. Johnson, C. W. Eriksen: Pre-conscious perception: A reexamination of the Poetzl phenomenon. Jounral of Abnormal and Social Psychology 62, 1961, 497-503.

D. M. Green, J. A. Swets: Signal Detection and Psychophysics. New York: Wiley 1966.

Heinz Franke: Unterschwellige Wahrnehmung. Eine kritische Analyse. Diss. Univ. München 1967; Bamberg: Rodenbusch 1967.




Norman Frank Dixon: Subliminal Perception. The Nature of a Controversy. Maidenhead: Mc-Graw-Hill 1971; erneut 1977.

Wilson Bryan Key: Subliminal Seduction. Ad Media’s Manipulation of a Not So Innocent America. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1973.

Horst W. Brand: Die Legende von den geheimen Verführern“. Kritische Analysen zur unterschwelligen Wahrnehmung und Beeinflussung. Weinheim: Beltz 1978.




Norman Frank Dixon: Preconscious Processing. Chicester: Wiley 1981.

J. A. Marcel: Conscious and unconscious perception. Experiments on visual masking and word recognition. Cognitive Psychology 15.2, 1983, 197-237.

J. Cheesman, P. M. Merikle: Priming with and without awareness. Perception and Psychophysics 36, 1984, 387-395.




D. Holender: Semantic activation without conscious identification in dichotic listening, parafoveal vision,,and visual masking. A survey and appraisal. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9, 1986, 1-23.

David G. Payne: Hypermnesia and reminiscence in recall: A historical and empirical review. Psychological Bulletin 101.1, January 1987, 5-27.

Anthony R. Pratkanis, A. G. Greenwald: Recent perspectives on unconscious processing: Still no marketing applications. Psychology and Marketing 1988, 5, 337-353.

Eldon Taylor: Subliminal Learning. An Eclectic Approach. Boulder City, Nev.: JAR 1988; paperback: R. K. Books 1989;
dt.: Die Subliminalmethode. Lernen mit dem Unterbewusstsein. München: Goldmann 1990; 2. Aufl. 1992.

D. Dagenbach, T. H. Carr, A. Wilhelmsen: Task-induced strategies and near-threshold priming: Conscious influences on unconscious perception. Journal of Memory and Language 28, 1989, 412-443.

R. G. Devine: Stereotypes and Prejudices: Their Automatic and Controlled Components. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 56, 1989, 5-18.

Wilson Bryan Key: The Age of Manipulation. The con in confidence, the sin in Sincere. New York: Holt 1989; Lanham, Md.: Madison 1993.

James S. Uleman, John A. Bargh: Unintended Thought. New York: Guilford Press 1989..




Robert F. Bornstein, Thane S. Pittman (Hrsg.): Perception Without Awareness. Cognitive, Clinical and Social Perspectives. New York: Guilford Press 1991.

Anthony G. Greenwald, E. R. Spangenberg, Anthony R. Pratkanis, J. Eskenazi: Double blind tests of subliminal self-help audiotapes. Psychological Science, 1991, 2, 119-122.

Anthony G. Greenwald: New Look 3: Unconscious Cognition Reclaimed. American Psychologist 47.6, 1992, 766-779.

L. L. Jacoby, D. S. Lindsey, J. P. Toth: Unconscious influences revealed: Attention, awareness and control. American Psychologist 47, 1992, 802-809.

Philip M. Merikle: Perception without awareness: Critical issues. American Psychologist 47, 1992, 792-795.

Timothy E. Moor: Subliminal Perception: Facts and Fallacies. Skeptical Inquirer, Spring 1992, 273-281.

Anthony R. Pratkanis: The Cargo-Cult Science of Subliminal Persuasion. Skeptical Inquirer, Spring 1992.

Katharina Henke: Unterschwellige Wahrnehmung. Untersuchungen zur cerebralen Heminsphärendominaz. Diss. Univ. Konstanz 1992; Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre 1993.

J. A. Debner, L. L. Jacoby: Unconscious perception: attention, awareness, and control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 20.2, 1994, 304-317.

C. N. Macrae, A. B. Milne, G. V. Bodenhausen: Stereotypes as energy-saving devices: A peek inside the cognitive toolbox. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 66.1, 1994, 37-47.

K. H. Smith, M. Rogers: Effectiveness of subliminal messages in television commercials: Two experiments. Journal of Applied Psychology 79, 1994, 866-874.




Anthony G. Greenwald, Sean C. Draine, Richard L. Abrams: Three cognitive markers of unconscious semantic activation. Science, vol. 273, Issue 5282, 1996, 1699-1702.

Timothy E. Moore: Scientific consensus and expert testimony: Lessons from the Judas Priest trial. Sceptical Inquirer, November/ December 1996, 20.

J. N. Williams: Is automatic priming semantic? European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 8, 1996, 113-161.

Sean C. Draine, Anthony C. Greenwald: Replicable Unconscious Semantic Priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 127, 1998, 286-303.

Philip M. Merikle, Meredyth Daneman: Psychological Investigations of Unconscious Perception. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 1998, 5-18.




Lynn Gamwell (Hrsg.): Dreams 1900-2000. Science, art and the unconscious mind. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press 2000;
dt.: Träume 1900-2000. Kunst, Wissenschaft und das Unbewusste. München: Prestel 2000.

Georg Felser: Werbe- und Konsumentenpsychologie. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel/ Berlin: Spektrum, Akademie Verlag, 2. Aufl. 2001, Kap. 9: Automatische Prozesse der Informationsverarbeitung, 205-236.

Takeo Watanabe, Jose Nanzez, Yuka Sasaki: Perceptual Learning Without Perception. Nature Vol. 413, 25. Oktober 2001, 844-848.

J. Cooper, G. Cooper: Subliminal motivation: A story revisited. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32, 2002, 2213-2227.

Howard Shevrin (Hrsg.): Subliminal explorations of perception, dreams, and fantasies. The pioneering contributions of Charles Fisher. Madison, Conn.:International Universities Press 2002.

Erin J. Strahan, Steven J. Spencer, Mark P. Zanna: Subliminal priming and persuasion: Striking while the iron is hot. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38.6, 2002, 556-568;
mit dem Untertitel: How motivation affects the activation of goals and the persuasiveness of messages. In Frank R. Kardes, Paul. M. Herr, Jacques Nantel (Hrsg.): Applying Social Cognition to Consumer-focused Strategy. Mahwah, N. J.: Erlbaum 2005, 267-280.

M. Riketta, D. Dauenheimer: Manipulating self-esteem with subliminally presented words. European Journal of Social Psychology 33, 2003, 679-699. Aaron R. Seitz, Takeo Watanabe: Psychophysics: Is Subliminal Learning Really Passive? Nature, issue 6927, 2003, 36ff.

Howard Sheyrin (Hrsg.): Subliminal explorations of perception, dreams and fantasies. The pioneering contributions of Charles Fisher. Madison, Conn.: International Universities Press 2003.

S. Sohlberg, A. Birgegard: Persistent complex subliminal activation effects: First experimental obseravtions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 85, 2003, 302-316.

August Bullock: The Secret Sales Pitch: An Overview of Subliminal Advertising. Norwich Publishers 2004.

L. J. Shrum: The Psychology of Entertainment Media. Blurring the Lines between Entertainment and Persuasion. Mahwah N. J.: Erlbaum 2004.

D. Stapel, H. Blanton: From seeing to being: Subliminal social comparisons affect implicit and explicit self-evaluations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87, 2004, 468-481.




Ran H. Hassin, James S. Uleman (Hrsg.): The New Unconscious. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005 (592 Seiten).

Tom Stafford, Matt Webb: Mind Hacks. Tips & tools for using your brain. Sebastopol, Cal./ Beijing: O’Reilly 2005.

Diederik A. Stapel: When Less Is More: The Consequences of Affective Primacy for Subliminal Priming Effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31.9, 2005, 1286-1295.

Howard Bowman, Friederike Schlaghecken, Martin Eimer: A neural network model of inhibitory processing in subliminal priming. Visual Cognition 13.4, 2006, 401-480.

Johan C. Karremans, Wiolfgang Stroebe, Claus Jasper: Beyond Vicary’s fantasies: The impact of subliminal priming and brand choice. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42.6, 2006, 792-798.

Alison Motluk: Subliminal avertising may work after all. New Scientist, issue 2549, 28 April 2006, 16.

Karl Christoph Klauer, Andreas B. Eder, Anthony G. Greenwald, Richard L. Abrams: Priming of semantic clasification by novel subliminal prime words. Consciousness and Cognition 16.1, 2007, 63-83.

Brian S. Lowery, Naomi I. Eisenberger, Curtis D. Hardin, Stacey Sinclair: Long-term Effects of Subliminal Priming on Academic Performance. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 29.2, 2007, 151-157.

S. Ortigue, F. Bianchi-Demicheli, A. F. de C. Hamilton, S. T. Grafton: The Neural Basis of Love as a Subliminal Prime: An Event-related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19, 2007, 1218-1230.

Robert S. Wyer (Hrsg.): Social Psychology and the Unconscious. The Automaticity of Higher Mental Processes. New York: Psychology Press 2007.


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