Mannequin/ fashion model Pin-up/ Calendar Girl/ CoverGirl/ Glamour Girl Fotomodell/ photographic model Schneiderbüste/ Schaufensterpuppe
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siehe auch: Literatur: Mode, Kleidung, Unterwäsche Frauen-Stereotype und Sex in der Werbung
Eine absolut seriöse Schweizer Model-Agentur mit persönlicher Betreuung: http://www.option-model.com/
siehe auch: http://www.designerhistory.com/historyofashion/modelsframe.html
Das Wort „mannequin“ stammt aus dem Holländischen. Seit 1535 bezeichnet man im Englischen kleine Figürchen des Menschen als "manikin", manchmal auch Gliederpuppen und kleine Skulpturen aus Wachs oder Holz als Vorlagen für Künstler. Im Französischen wird dafür das Wort "mannequin" seit 1671 gebraucht. Seit 1806 wird im Französischen auch die Schneiderbüste als „mannequin“ bezeichnet (auch: poupée). Es war daher nahe liegend, zwei bedeutende Innovationen im Bereich der Mode des 19. Jahrhunderts ebenfalls als „mannequin“ zu bezeichnen (Nicole Parrot 1981):
Vor 1920 wurden in England „women to show offgarments“ auch „dummies“ genannt, weil sie so nichtssagend („wooden“) dreiblickten.
Eines der vielen Beispiele der „Amerikanisierung“ der deutschen Sprache nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ist der Ersatz der Bezeichnungen „Probierfräulein“, „Fotomodell“, „Vorführmodell“ und „Mannequin“ durch „Model“ seit 1968, wobei bis in die 1980er Jahre noch beide Formen nebeneinander gebraucht wurden (Gertrud Lehnert 1996).
"Cover girl" ist im Englischen seit 1915 nachgewiesen, "glamour girl" seit 1935, "fashion model" erst seit 1962. Obwohl manchmal behauptet wird, die Bezeichnung "Pin-up" sei in den Roaring Twenites entstanden, verzeichnet der Oxford English Dictionary das Wort erst seit 1941.
Henri Escoffier: Le Mannequin. Paris 1875 (A novel). Emile
Zola: Au bonheur des dames. Paris: Charpentier 1883;
Mary Ellis Smith: A model actress. Chicago: Vollrath & Veronee 1892. Anatol
France: Le mannequin d’osier. 1893; Abbe
Carter Goodloe: College girls. Illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson. New York:
Scribners 1895;London: Downey 1896; Alessandro Luzio, Rodolfo Renier: Il lusso di Isabella d'Este, marchesa di Mantova. Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti 4, Firenze, 1896, 63-65.
Léon Riotor: Le mannequin. Illustrations de Frédéric Front et divers documents anonymes; préface d'Octave Uzanne. Paris: Bibliothèque artistique et litteraire 1900. Charles Dana Gibson; the man and his art. With a brief but entertaining narrative of two Gibson girls. New York : Collier's Weekly 1903. The Kirchner album. 12 prints in colours. London: Sketch Offices ca. 1914/18. Film Fun. Zeitschrift 1915-1942 (Covers by Enoch Bolles 1922-1942). Julie Mathilde Lippmann: The mannequin. New York: Duffield 1917. Jules Hoche. Le Mannequin de cire. Paris: Librairie des romans choisis 1918.
Hugues Lapaire: L'Amour et le mannequin. Paris: E. Figuière 1922. Fannie
Hurst: Mannequin. New York: A. A. Knopf 1926 (Roman); Esther Singleton: Dolls. New York: Payson & Clarke 1927.
Mortensen: The model. A book on the problems of posing. San Francisco, Calif.:
Camera Craft 1937; erneut 1948; Evadne Price: Glamour Girl. London: G. G. Harrap 1937. Toni Frissell: Fashion model underwater with diver in dolphin tank, Marineland, Florida. 1 Photographie 1939.
John Robert Powers:The Powers girls. The story of models and modeling and the natural steps by which attractive girls are created. New York: Dutton 1941. Olga Malcova: Wanted: Girl with glamour. Careers in modeling. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce 1941. Laff. Zeitschrift Toronto 1941ff. Beauty Parade. Zeitschrift New York 1942-1947; nachher bis 1955 u. d. T.: Flirt. Eyeful. Zeitschrift 1943-1955. Titter. Zeitschrift 1943-1955. Wink. A Whirl of Girls. Zeitschrift 1944-1955. Frederick Maurice Speed: Glamour Girls. Fifteen photographs. London: Mitre Press 1944. Max Boy: Modes & Mannequins. With a foreword by William Y. Darling. London: John Green 1946. Toni Frissell: Fashion model Dovima wearing bikini, lying on platform near water, Montego Bay, Jamaica. 1 Photographie, November 1946. Whisper. Zeitschrift 1946-1958. Film Lovelies. An album featuring art portraits of popular British and Hollywood pin-ups. Star Screen Club 1947.
Lina Wilcox Putnam: Lynn, cover girl. New York: Messner 1950. Zeitschrift: Model and mannequin. London: Fudge 1950. Walter
Herdeg (Hrsg.): Internationales Schaufensterbuch. Handbuch der Dekoration. eine
internationale Übersicht über die Schaufensterkunst mit besonderen Kapiteln
über Innendekoration, Mannequins, Dekorationseinheiten und Papierplastik.
Hamburg: Stuttgarter Verlag 1951; 2. Bd. Zürich: Amstutz & Herdeg, Graphis
Press 1961;
Lorna Lewis: Valerie. Fashion model. Career books for girls. London: J. Lane, 1955. Ralph Ricketts: The manikin. London: Faber and Faber 1956. Astrid Gehlhoff-Claes: Der Mannequin. Wiesbaden: Limes Verlag 1956 (Gedichte). Cherry Marshall: Fashion modelling as a career. London: Berker 1957. Peter Basch's Glamour Photography. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications 1958. Jean Dawnay: How I became a fashion model. London: Nelson 1958, 2. Aufl. 1960. Susan Chitty: Diary of a fashion model. Illustrations by Philippe Jullian. London: Methuen 1958. Freddy:
Dans les coulisses de la haute couture. 1958; International model. The establishing casting directory for advertising and fashion models. London: World's Press News Publishing 1958-1969. Bunny Yeager: The Diane Weber Album. A Series of Studies. London: Kamera Publications 1959.
Peter Basch: Magische Schönheit: Porträt, Pinup, Akt. Bonn: Hieronimi 1962. John and Pamela Dixon: Fashion modelling. Target books, careers series. London: R. Hale 1963. Tops Photographs intended as a guide in the correct posing of models. By TOPS. Hemel Hempstead: Colonna Press 1963. Jean Shrimpton: The truth about modelling. With photographs by David Bailey. London 1964, Bantam Books 1965. Bunny Yeager: How I Photograph Myself. New York: A. S. Barnes/ London: Thomas Yoseloff 1964.
Fina Barsam: Mode, Charme und Schönheit. Ein Mannequin plaudert aus der Schule. Berlin: Henschel 1965. Bunny Yeager: 100 Girls. New concepts in glamour photography. London: Barnes/ South Brunswick: Yoseloff 1965.
Peter Basch photographs the world of glamor. Greenwich, Conn.: Whitestone Publications 1967. John Fairchild: Magier, Meister und Modelle. Modeschopfer und Mode-Idole von heute. Frankfurt am Main: Lorch 1967. Patrick Griffiths: Catalogue of glamour girl sets. Illustrated. Upminster: R. Holton 1967.
Adolphe Barreaux: Glamor and the camera. Greenwich, Conn.: Whitestone Publications 1968. Bruno Bernard: Liebelei mit der Kamera. Bonn: Hieronimi 1968. Lucie Clayton: The World of Modelling. And How to Get the London Model-Girl Look. London: Harrap 1968. Lenore Meyer, Harriet Shepard: Figur und Funktion: Ein Handbuch für Fotografen und Modelle. Leipzig: Fotokinoverlag VEB 1968.
The Gibson girl and her America. The best drawings. Selected by Edmund Vincent Gillon, Jr., with an introductory essay by Henry C. Pitz . New York: Dover 1969. Carolyn Kenmore: Mannequin. My life as a model. New York: Bartholomew House 1969. Angie Klingenfuss: Fotomodell, Traumberuf. Oder: Wie man die ganze Welt bezaubert. München: Amira 1969. Suzy Menkes: How to be a model. London: Sphere 1969. Modell adress: Erster deutscher Almanach der Fotomodelle, Mannequins und Dressmen; Bild-Adressbuch für Fotografen, Film, Werbung und Mode. Frankfurt am Main: Sass 1969.
Ford: Secrets of the model’s world. New York: Trident Press 1970;
Playboy bunnies. Chicago: Playboy Press 1971, 1972, 1974, 1979. Richard Wortley: Pin-up's progress. An illustrated history of the immodest art 1870-1970. London: Panther 1971.
Eleanor-Jean Carter: Doll modes. Doll fashions with patterns. Hyattsville, Md.: Carter Craft Doll House 1972. Mark
Gabor: Pin up. A modest history. New York: Bell/ London: Deutsch 1972, 7. Aufl.
London: Pan Books 1982; Nachdruck Köln: Taschen/ Evergreen 1996; erneut 2000; Peter Gowland: Gowland's guide to glamour photography. New York: Crown 1972. E. C. Tubb: Century of the Manikin. New York: Daw Books 1972; London: Millington 1975.
Richard Lawton: Grand illusions. New York: McGraw-Hill 1973.
Jean Campbell Dallas: How to become a photographic model. London: Pelham 1974. Ralph Stein: The Pin-up from 1852 to now. Chicago: Playboy Press/ London: Hamlyn 1974. Jacques
Sternberg, Pierre Chapelot: Siècle de Pin-up. London: Academy Editions 1974;
Valerie Cragin: Photographic modeling. Los Angeles: Petersen Publications 1975. Heavenly bodies. The complete Pirelli calendar book. Introduced by David Niven. New York: Harmony Books 1975. James Robert Parish, Don E. Stanke: The glamour girls. New Rochelle, N. Y.: Arlington House 1975. Mel Ramos. Darmstadt: Melzer 1975. Isabel Shirley: How to Pose for the Camera. Philadelphia: Chilton 1975. Valerie Thurlow: Model in Paris. London: Hale 1975.
Michael Colmer (Hrsg.): Calendar girls. New York: A & W Visual Library/ London: Sphere; Treasure 1976. Michael Colmer: Glamour calendar art. Chicago: Regnery 1976. The Hurrell style. Fifty years of photographing Hollywood. Photos by George Hurrell; text by Whitney Stine. New York: John Day 1976. John Kobal (Hrsg.): Hollywood glamour portraits. 145 photos of stars, 1926-1949. New York: Dover 1976. Gay Search: Fashion model. A career guide. Gay Search in association with the London Academy of Modelling. London: New Bond Books, Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1976.
George Bennett: Mannequins. Photos. New York: Knopf; distributed by Random House 1977. Charles Castle: Model Girl. Newton: Abbot David and Charles 1977. Liane Viguié: Mannequin haute couture. Paris: R. Laffont 1977. Stanley Wells: Pin-up model. A course in modelling. Photography by Henry Dobkin. London: Hale 1977.
Stewart Austin, Alberto Vargas: Vargas. New York: Harmony Books 1978; Carole Conover: Cover girls. The story of Harry Conover. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1978. Nancy
Hall-Duncan: the history of fashion photography. Exposition International
museum of photography, George Eastman house, Rochester, N. Y., 25 june-18
november 1977; Susan Isaacs: Compromising Positions. New York: Times Books/ London: Allen Lane 1978. Dick Kassan: How to photograph women. An illustrated text for photographers and models. Miami, Fl.: Windward Publications 1978. Cherry Marshall: The cat-walk. London: Hutchinson 1978.
Nancy Hall-Duncan: The history of fashion photography. With a preface by Yves Saint Laurent and a foreword by Robert Riley. New York: Alpine Book 1979. Polly Devlin: “Vogue” book of fashion photography, 1919-1979. Introduction by Alexander Liberman. London: Thames & Hudson 1979.
Werner Bokelberg: Vending machine cards. Pin-up-girls von gestern. Dortmund: Harenberg 1980.
Simone Bergmann: Make-up. Fotomodelle erzählen aus ihrem Leben. Ravensburg: Maier 1981. Bruno
Bernard: Schönheit war ihr Schicksal. Glanz und Elend der Covergirls. München:
Universitas 1981; Michael Busselle: The complete book of nude & glamour photography. New York: Simon & Schuster 1981. Nicki Household: Working as a model. London: Batsford Academic and Educational 1981. John
Kelly: Successful glamour photography. New York: Ziff-Davis 1981; New York:
Amphoto Books 1983; Nicole
Parrot: Mannequins. Paris: Editions Colona 1981; Francis Smilby: Stolen sweets. The cover girls of yesteryear, their elegance, charm, and sex appeal. New York: Playboy Press 1981. Viola Weld: Fashion model. Bognor Regis: New Horizon 1981.
Tony Crawley: Screen dreams. The Hollywood pinup. Art direction & design, Ed Caraeff; photographs from the Kobal Collection. New York: Delilah Communications 1982. Evert
Gerards, Tatou Gutkowski: Pin-Up. Eine Göttin für jeden Tag (aus dem Holl.
1982). Heidelberg: Kübler & Akselrad Verlag 1984; Glamour photography. Ramsey, N. J.: Minolta Corp./ Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday 1982. Yvonne
Green: Cover Girl. Toronto, London: Bantam 1982; Antonio Lopez: Antonio's girls. Text by Christopher Hemphill, designed by Juan Ramos, devised and edited by Karen Amiel. London: Thames and Hudson 1982. Uwe Ommer: Cover girls. Les photos de charme des grands photographes. Paris: Love me tender editions 1982. Maree
Tarnowska: Fashion Dolls. Foreword by Dorothy Coleman, fashion notes by
Madeleine Ginsburg. London: Souvenir 1986;
Banks: Classic glamour photography. London: Hamlyn 1983; New York: Amphoto
1987; Cheyenne: Posing techniques for photographers and models. New York: Amphoto 1983. Karen Hardy: Not just another pretty face. An intimate look at America's top male models. New York: New American Library 1983. John Logart: Das Fotomodell. München: Heyne 1983 (Roman). Bertrand Mary: La pin-up, ou, La fragile indifférence. Essai sur la genèse d'une imagerie délaissée. Paris: Fayard 1983.
Elsabeth Fallenberg: So wirst Du Fotomodell. Wien 1984. Mark Gabor: The Illustrated History of Girlie Magazines. Fom National Police Gazette to the present. New York: Harmony/ London: Futura 1984, 1985. Roger Hicks: The book of calendar girl photography. London: Apple/ Lowe Cove, N. S. W.: Doubleday Australia 1984.
Ronnie Barker: Pebbles on the beach. A pictorial tribute to the seaside girl. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985. Peter Bogdanovitch: The killing of the unicorn: Dorothy Stratten (1960-1980). London: Macdonald 1985. Lucie Clayton: Modelling and beauty care made simple. London: Heinemann 1985. Marie Helvin: Catwalk. The art of model style. London: Pavilion 1985; 2. Aufl. 1987. Fleur Hogarth: Careers in modelling. London: Kogan Page 1985; 2. Aufl. 1988. Willy Maywald: Die Splitter des Spiegels. Eine illustrierte Autobiographie. München: Schirmer-Mosel 1985 (Bericht eines Modefotografs).
Franz R. Billisich: Süchtig. Aufstieg und Fall des Fotomodells Doris W. Rastatt: Moewig 1986. Marco Glaviano: Les plus belles filles du monde. Paris: Filipacchi 1986. Geoff Howes: Photographing beautiful women a top professional tells you his secrets of successful - and profitable glamour photography. Wellingborough: Stephens 1986. Judy James: Top models. London: Dragon 1986. Vera
Lehndorff, Holger Trülzsch: Body art. "Veruschka" - transfigurative
Malerei. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1986; Valerie Lloyd: The art of Vogue photographic covers. London: Octopus 1986. Spero Pastos: Pin-up. The tragedy of Betty Grable. New York: Putnam 1986. Annette Stai: Crazy business: Tagebuch eines Fotomodells. Aus d. Norweg. Reinbek: Rowohlt 1986. Mario Venticinque: Boudoir photography. New York: Amphoto 1986. Irving Weinman: Tailor's dummy. New York: Atheneum 1986.
Armand Bendayan: Le syndrome du mannequin. Parotidomégalie, dysorexie, aménorrhée. Thèse. méd. Montpellier 1987; Sud copie 1987. Martin Harrison: Beauty Photography in Vogue. London: Octopus 1987. Betty Page. Queen of Pin-up. Köln: Taschen 1987; 1993. Zeitschrift: Mannequin World. Eastcote, Middlesex: AGB Business Publications 1987.
Marie Philomene Anderson: Model. Dragon's World 1988. Marie Anderson Boyd: Model. The complete guide for men and women Foreword by Clare Castagnetti. Limpsfield: Dragon's World 1988; erneut London: Collins & Brown 1997. Robert Byrne: Mannequin. New York: Atheneum 1988. Peter Gowland, Alice Gowland: Peter Gowland's new handbook of glamour photography. New York: Crown 1988. Robert and Sheila Hurth: Secrets of boudoir photography. Los Angeles: HP Books 1988.
Roxanne Becker-Wortham, Robert Wortham: Boudoir studio. Professional techniques for glamour photography. New York: Amphoto 1989. David Chapman: Adonis. The male physique pin-up. London: The Gay Mens Press 1989. Lucille Khornak: Fashion Photography. New York: Amphoto 1969. F. C. Gundlach: Fashion photography 1950-1975; Modephotographie; photographie de mode. Köln: Taschen 1989. Didier Plassard: Robots, marionettes, mannequins –Le role de l’effigie dns le théatre des avant-gardes historiques en France, en Italie et en Allemagne 1989
Jean Shrimpton: An autobiography. London: Ebury 1990; London: Sphere 1991. Solange Tuogel: Le manneqiun. Ivry-sur-Seine: S. Legout-Tuogel 1990.
John Hedgecoe: The workbook of nudes and glamour. London: M. Beazley 1991. Susan Moncour: The still shoot models my age. London: Serpent's Tail 1991. Miriam Moss: Fashion model. New York: Crestwood House 1991. Tom Robotham: Varga. New York: Mallard 1991. Valerie Steele: Erotic Allure. In Andrew Wilkes (Hrsg.): The Idealizing Vision. The Art of Fashion Photography. New York: Aperture 1991, 1992.
Wolfgang Hegener: Das Mannequin – vom sexuellen Objekt zum geschlechtslosen Subjekt. Tübingen: Konkursbuch Verlag 1992 (über Homosexualität). Ricky Spears: Shooting stars. Contemporary glamour photography. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang 1992. Herb Ritts: Notorious. Boston: Little, Brown 1992.
Alan Betrock: Pin-up mania! The golden age of men's magazines, 1950-1967. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Shake Books 1993. Fotomodelle, Mannequin, Dressmen. Fotokatalog. Kd, die Künstlerdienste der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit. Ed. von der Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung, Frankfurt am Main, 1993ff. Stephen
Fried: Thing of beauty. The tragedy of supermodel Gia. (Gia Marie Carangi,
1960-1986). New York: Random House/ Pocket Books 1993; New York, London: Pocket
Books 1994; London: Red Fox 1995; Ivo Kranzfelder: Zur Utopie eines ästhetischen Hedonismus, oder, Die Ambivalenz des Lustprinzips. Surrealismus und neure Modefotografie. München: tuduv 1993. Susan Moncur: Topmodel. Berlin: Aufbau-Taschenbuch-Verlag 1993. Judy Prouty (Hrsg.): Arthur Elgort's models manual. New York Grand Street Press 1993; Zürich: Scalo 1997. Petra Raszkowski: Models. Wien: Zsolnay 1993 (Bildband). Alice
Schwarzer: Newton: Kunst oder Pornographie? Emma 6/1993; Philip Souham: Mannequins et top-models. Le guide. Paris: Zélie 1993.
Naomi Campbell: Swan. Köln: vgs 1994; München: Heyne 1996 (Roman). Capucine. In Boze Hadleigh: Hollywood lesbians. New York: Barricade Books 1994. Joseph Robert Janes: Mannequin. New York: Soho Press/ London: Constable 1994; London: Orion 2000. Monica M. Lea: Role models. The use of mannequins by the British display industry 1946-1966. Dissertation (M.A.), University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art, Division of History of Art and Design 1994. Jean-Noël
Liaut: Modèles et mannequins 1945-1965. Paris: Filipacchi 1994; M. G. Lord: Forever Barbie. The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll. Morrow 1994. Leslie W. Rabine: Die zwei Körper der Frau. Modemagazine, Konsumkultur und Feminismus. In: Texte zur Kunst. Sexismen. 1994, 4. Jahrgang, Nr. 15. Philip Souham: Les top models. Ces nouvelles stars. Paris: Zélie 1994. Kitturah B. Westenhouser: The Story of Barbie. Paducah, Ky.: Collector Books 1994, 2. Aufl. 1999. Bunny Yeager: Bunny’s Honeys. Köln: Taschen 1994. Bunny Yeager: Betty Page confidential. New York: St. Martin's Press 1994.
Susan Bernard: Bernard of Hollywood pin-ups. Blondes! New York: Warner Treasures 1995. Susan Bernard: Bernard of Hollywood pin-ups. Brunettes! New York: Warner Treasures 1995. Susan Bernard: Bernard of Hollywood pin-ups. Redheads! New York: Warner Treasures 1995. Alan Betrock (Hrsg.): I was a 1950's pin-up model!. From the collection of Mark Rotenberg. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Shake Books 1995. B. B. Calhoun: Cover girl. New York: Random House 1995. Regina Conradt: Model – Erfolgsgeheimnisse für einen Traumberuf. Berlin Models. Berlin: Ullstein 1995. Christophe Graizon: La tribu. Moeurs et traditions des top models et des faiseurs de mode. Paris: Nil 1995. Michael
Gross: Model. The ugly business of beautiful women. New York 1995; Billie Holmes: Memoirs of a Bow belle. Edinburgh: Pentland 1995. Heather Mills: Out of a limb. London: Little, Brown 1995; London: Warner 1996. Mildred & Colleen Seeley: Study of the fashion dolls of France. Livonia, MI: Scott Publications 1995. Sara K. Schneider: Vital mummies. Performance design for the show window mannequin. New Haven: Yale University Press 1995. Steve Sullivan: Va Va Voom! Bombshells, Pin-Ups, Sexpots and Glamour Girls. Los Angeles: General Publishing Group 1995. Bunny Yeager: Betty Page. Köln: Taschen 1995; 1996 (30 Postkarten).
Nina Blanchard: TopModels. Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Verlag Lübbe 1996 (Roman). Max Allan Collins: Gil Elvgren – The Wartime Pin-Ups (Vignettes). Portland OR: Collectors Press 1996. Renata Heinen: Model guide. What it takes to become a fashion model. London: HarperCollins 1996. Antonio Dell’Aquila, Pia Dell’Aquila: Raphael Kirchner and his postcards. Bari: Mario Adda Editore 1996.: Gertrud Lehnert: Mode, Models, Superstars. Köln: DuMont 1996. Charles G. Martignette, Louis K. Meisel: The Great American Pin-up. Köln: Taschen 1996. Sandra
Morris: Catwalk. Inside the world of the supermodels. London: Weidenfeld &
Nicolson 1996; K. R. Richards: Ladies of fashion. Pleasure, perversion or paraphilia. Intern. Journal Psychoanalysis 77, 1996, 337-351. Herb Ritts: Work. Exhibition organized by and held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: Little, Brown 1996. Joana Scott: The manikin. A Novel. New York: Holt 1996. David Seidner (Hrsg.): Lisa Fonssagrives. Three decades of classic fashion photography. London: Thames & Hudson 1996. Jim
Silke: Bettie Page. Queen of the Hearts. Milwaukie: Dark Horse Books 1996; George Wayne: Male super models. The men of Boss Models. Interviews. New York: Boss Models in association with D. A. P. 1996. Lee Widdows, Jo McGuinness: Catwalk. Working with models. London: Batsford 1996.
Reid Stewart Austin: Petty. The classic pin-up art of George Petty. New York: Gramercy Books 1997. Adonis. The Male Physique Pin-Up 1870-1940. Heretic Books 1997. Diana Dahlia: Models and supermodels. Have you got what it takes to be a successful model? London: Batsford 1997. Marylou Dubelly: Les mannequins de l'illusion. Sierre: Editions A la Carte 1997. Susanne Fülscher: Schöne Mädchen fallen nicht vom Himmel. Freiburg i. Br.: Kerle/ Bertelsmann 1997 (Jugendbuch). Tag Gronberg: Beware beautiful women. The 1920s shopwindow mannequin and a physiognomy of effacement. Art History, Vol. 20, September 1997, 375-396. Harald Hellmann: The Best of American Girlie Magazines. Köln: Taschen 1997; 2001. Diane
Irons: The world's best-kept beauty secrets. Hundreds of insider tips from the
worlds of beauty, diet and fashion. Illinois: Sourcebooks 1997; London:
Vermilion 1998; Alex
Larg, Jane Wood: New Glamour Photography. Crans: RotoVision 1997; Peter Lindbergh: Images of women. Mit einem Text von Martin Harrison. München: Schirmer/Mosel 1997, erneut 2000. Mannequins. Die Schaufensterpuppen aus der Sammlung des Hermann Götting. Museum für Angewandte Kunst Gera vom 10.12.1996 bis 2.2.1997. Gera: Museum für angewandte Kunst 1997. Georgina Newbery: Catwalk. London: Warner 1997. Harriet
Quick: Catwalking. A history of the fashion model. London: Hamlyn1997; Italo Zannier, Guido Vergani: The Pirelli calendars complete. London: Thames & Hudson 1997, 2. Aufl. 1999.
David Bailey: Models close-up. Words by James Sherwood. London: Channel 4 Books 1998. Max Allan Collins, Drake Elvgren: Elvgren - his life & art. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 1998. Karen Essex, James L. Swanson: Bettie Page. The life of a pin-up legend. Los Angeles: General Pub. Group 1998. Cliff Hollenbeck: Swimsuit model photography. Buffalo, N. Y.: Amherst Media 1998. Allen Jones: Catwalk. Milano: Fondazione Trussardi 1998. Carolyn Kitch: The girl on the magazine cover. The origins of visual stereotypes in American mass media, 1895-1939. Diss. Temple Univ. Philadelphia 1998; Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina Press 2001. April Pederson: What about Hooters. America's introduction to the hilarious reality of Hooters. New York: New Park Press 1998. Guy Schoeller: Bettina. Fashion memoir. London: Thames & Hudson 1998. Steve Sullivan: Bombshells. Glamour girls of a lifetime. New York: St. Martin's Griffin 1998. Huggy Ragnarsson: Elite Street - the Elite Model Look. A fashion and style manual. London: Virgin Publishing/ New York: Universe Publishing 1998. Marco Tosa: Barbie. Four decades of fashion, fantasy, and fun. London: Pavilion 1998.
Bruno Bernard (1912-1987): Pin-up's. Guide to pin-up photography. Köln: Taschen 1999. Elvgren girls. I and II. Introduction by Max Allan Collins. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 1999. Elena Filipovic: Abwesende Kunstobjekte. Mannequins und die Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme von 1938. In Pia Müller-Tamm, Katharina Sykora (Ed.): Katalog zur Ausstellung Puppen – Körper – Automaten. Phantasmen der Moderne. Düsseldorf: Oktagon 1999, 200-218. Michael J. Goldberg: Bathing beauties. French photo postcards of the1920s. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 1999. Alex
Larg, Jane Wood: Fashion Shots. Crans: RotoVision 1999; Charles G. Martignette, Louis K. Meisel: Gil Elvgren. All his glamorous American pin-ups. Köln: Taschen 1999. Yona Zeldis McDonough: The Barbie Chronicles. Touchstone Books 1999. Pepe Nebot: Top models. Esposizione 25 settembre - 6 ottobre 1999 Galleria San Carlo. Milano: Galleria San Carlo 1999. Billy Pegram: Fashion model photography. Professional images and techniques. Buffalo, NY: Amherst Media 1999. The Rotenberg collection: Cheesecake. Köln: Taschen 1999. Steve Sullivan: Glamour girls. The illustrated encyclopedia. New York: St. Martin's Griffin 1999. Christopher Varaste: Face of the American Dream, Barbie Doll 1959-1971. Hobby House 1999. Varga girls. I and II. Introduction by Max Allan Collins. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 1999. Roshumba Williams, Ann Marie O'Connor: The complete idiot's guide to being a model. New York: Alpha Books 1999.
Peter N. Backe: The role of fashion supermodels in advertising. PhD. Thesis, Univ. of Oxford, Faculty of Management Studies, 2000. Barbie. Queen of Glamour. New York: Dorling Kindersley Pub. 2000. Gwen Berwick, Sydney Thorne: Being a model. London: Hodder & Stoughton 2000. Peter Brysch: So werde ich Model. Wien: Ueberreuter 2000. Max Allan Collins: For the boys. The racy pin-ups of World War II. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 2000. Charlotte Cotton: Imperfect Beauty. The making of contemporary fashion photographs. London: Victoria and Albert Museum 2000. Debbie and Skip Press: Your modeling career. You don't have to be a supermodel to succeed. New York: Allworth Press 2000. Ian
Halperin: Shut up and smile. Supermodels, the dark side. Edinburgh: Mainstream
2000; Georgina Howell: The Vogue Woman. London: Pavilion 2000. Laura Laurenzi: The cal. Calendario Pirelli. Dagli anni Sessanta al Duemila. Milano: Rizzoli 2000; Céline Masson: La Fabrique de la poupée chez Hanns Bellmer. Le "faire-oeuvre perversif", une étude clinique de l'objet. Paris: L'Harmattan 2000. Hans Nolte (Hrsg.): Look at me. Der Modelguide für Jungen und Mädchen. Hamburg: Ellermann 2000. Top models X. Les plus belles filles du monde photographiées par Pierre Woodman. Paris: VCV communication 2000 (Supplément de: Stars du X).
Aubade. Augenblicke der Verführung. Fotografien Hervé Lewis. Vorwort Jean Reno. München: Knesebeck 2001. Brigitte Blobel: Das Model. Würzburg: Arena 2001 (Jugendbuch). Max Allan Collins: Pin up nudes. Portland OR: Collectors Press 2001. Janet Dobson, Michael Wooldridge: Pinup dreams. The glamour art of Rolf Armstrong. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications 2001. Beth Dunlop: Beach beauties. Postcards and photographs, 1890-1940. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang 2001. Ina Halperin: Bad & beautiful. Inside the dazzling and deadly world of supermodels. New York: Citadel 2001, erneut 2003. Karin Holstein: Cover girl uncovered. A woman's journey. Enumclaw, WA: WinePress Publishing 2001. Teresa Maughan: Model Behavoiur. Photography by Sean Pollock and James Meaneaux Stenson. London: Channel 4 Books 2001. Serge Normant: Femme fatale. The timeless style of beautiful women. Text by Bridget Foley. Photography by Michael Thompson. London: Thames & Hudson 2001. Playful pin-ups. Introduction by Max Allan Collins. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 2001. Adelheid Rasche (Hrsg.): Botschafterinnen der Mode. Star-Mannequins und Fotomodelle der Fünfziger Jahre in internationaler Modefotografie. Susanne Erichsen, Denise Sarrault und Elfi Wildfeuer auf Fotografien. Buch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung der Lipperheideschen Kostümbibliothek in der Kunstbibliothek Staatliche Museen zu Berlin vom 29. Mai bis 29. Juli 2001. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Kunstbibliothek. Berlin: Schwarzkopf und Schwarzkopf 2001. Nina Schmidt (Hrsg.): Pin ups. Köln: Taschen 2001. Jochen Schneider: Jeder kann modeln! Der ultimative Ratgeber für die Karriere als Fotomodell. Frankfurt am Main: Divers-Verlag Schneider 2001. Vicky Shipton: Supermodels. Harlow: Pearson Education 2001. Bunny Yeager: Peepshow. 1950 Pin-ups in 3-D. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001/ Hombrechtikon: Edition Olms 2001.
Fred Beltran: Pin-up girls from around the World. Humanoids 2002. Bruno Bernard: Bernard of Hollywood. The ultimate pin-up book. Köln: Taschen 2002. Sigrun Brox: Bilder sind Schüsse ins Gehirn. Das Bild in der Werbefotografie der 90er Jahre (teilw. Diss. Univ. Frankfurt am Main 2001). Kiel: Ludwig 2003. Max Allan Collins: Calendar girl. Sweet & sexy pin-ups of the postwar era. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 2003. Max Allan Collins: Pin up nudes II. Portland OR: Collectors Press 2002. Robert Dance, Bruce Robertson: Ruth Harriet Louise (1903-1949) and Hollywood glamour photography. Berkeley, London: University of California Press 2002. Robin Derrick, Robin Muir (Hrsg.): Unseen Vogue. The secret history of fashion photography. London: Little, Brown 2002. Douglas Ellis: Uncovered. The hidden art of the girlie pulps. Silver Spring, MD: Adventure House 2003. Victoria Nixon: Supermodels’ beauty secrets. Hot tips for style, beauty and fashion from the world's top models. London: Piatkus 2002. Michelle Olley: Blondes . Ultimate glamour photography. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press 2002. Burkhard Riemschneider (Hrsg.): 1000 Pin up girls. Köln: Taschen 2002. Iha von der Schulenburg: Models Vom Casting bis zum Catwalk. Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch-Verlag 2002. Chris Strodder: Swingin' chicks of the '60s. A tribute to 101 of the decade's defining women. San Rafael, Calif.: Cedco Pub. 2000 (Actresses, Women singers, Models) Jane Ellen Wayne: The golden girls of MGM. Glamour and grief. London: Robson Books 2002. Bunny Yeager: Bikini girls of the 1960s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer 2002.
The Art of Jeff Pittarelli. Rastatt: mg Publications 2004. Bunny Yeager's bikini girls of the 1950s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer 2004. Dian
Hanson: The History of Men’s Magazines. 6 Bde, Köln: Taschen 2004-2005 Chandra Kurt: Sex Sells. Warum man sich für Werbung auszieht. Zürich: Orell Füssli 2004. Donald Kuspit: Mel Ramos Pop Art Fantasies. The Complete Paintings. New York: Watson-Guptill 2004 (Louis K. Meisel). Billy Pegram: Professional model portfolios. A step-by-step guide for photographers. Buffalo, NY: Amherst Media 2004. Jack Raglin: A Design for Beauty. The Art of Enoch Bolles. Illustration Magazine 9, 2004. Christina Sartori: Calendario Pirelli. 1964-2004,. Milano: Rizzoli 2004; Dietmar Schofer, Markus Schofer: Pin-ups werben. Leonberg: DS-Verlag/ Stuttgart: Scheufele 2004. Jim Simpson: The Calendar Girls’ Story. North Yorkshire/ Skipton: Dalesman 2004 (zum Film).
Lysa Aëngel: My beautiful egotrip. La bible du mannequin. Paris. Scali 2005. Jack Raglin: The Art Stars of Film Fun. Illustration Magazine 14, 2005.
Louis K. Meisel: Jeepers peepers! A gallery of American pin-up art. Portland, OR: Collectors Press 2006.
Werner Eisele: Cars & Girls. München: Collection Rolf Heyne 2007 (Bildband mit Sportwagen und “schönen Frauen”). .„Living dolls“: François Ier dresses his women. Renaissance Quarterly, 22 March 2007.
Matthew Rolston: BeautyLight. Pctures at a magazine. Kempen: teNeues 2008. Timothy White: Hollywood Pin-ups. New York: HarperCollins 2008.
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