Folio 1623
1592 Richard III V iii Giue me some Inke, and Paper, in my Tent: Ile drawe the Forme and Modell of our Battaile, Limit each Leader to his seuerall Charge,
1595 Richard II I. ii. 28 thou dost consent In some large measure to thy Fathers death, In that thou seest thy wretched brother dye, Who was the modell of thy Fathers life.
1595 Richard II III. ii. 149 And Nothing can we call our owne, but Death: And that small Modell of the barren Earth, Which serues as Paste, and Couer to our Bones:
1595 Richard II III iiii Why should we, in the compasse of a Pale, Keepe Law and Forme, and due Proportion, Shewing as in a Modell our firme Estate? When our Sea-walled Garden the whole Land, Is full of Weedes,
1595 Richard II V i That you in pittie may dissolue to dew, And wash him fresh againe with true-loue Teares. Ah thou, the Modell where old Troy did stand,
1597 Henry IV I iii When we meane to build, We first suruey the Plot, then draw the Modell, And when we see the figure of the house, Then must we rate the cost of the Erection, Which if we finde out-weighes Ability, What do we then, but draw a-new the Modell In fewer offices? Or at least, desist To builde at all? Much more, in this great worke, (Which is (almost) to plucke a Kingdome downe, And set another vp) should we suruey The plot of Situation, and the Modell; Consent vpon a sure Foundation: Question Surueyors, know our owne estate, How able such a Worke to vndergo, To weigh against his Opposite? Or else, We fortifie in Paper, and in Figures, Vsing the Names of men, instead of men: Like one, that drawes the Modell of a house Beyond his power to builde it; who (halfe through) Giues o're, and leaues his part-created Cost A naked subiect to the Weeping Clouds, And waste, for churlish Winters tyranny
1598 Much Ado about Nothing I. iii. 42 Wil it serue for any Modell to build mischiefe on? What is hee for a foole that betrothes himselfe to vnquietnesse?
1599 Henry V II. 0. 16 O England: Modell to thy inward Greatnesse, Like little Body with a mightie Heart:
1600 Hamlet V. ii. 51 I had my fathers Signet in my Purse Which was the Modell of that Danish Seale:
1613 Henry VIII IV ii The Modell of our chaste loues: his yong daughter, The dewes of Heauen fall thicke in Blessings on her, Beseeching him to giue her vertuous breeding.
1606 Shakespeares Apocrypha: The Puritan (Folio 1709) I i Dear Copy of my husband, oh let me kiss thee: Drawing out her Husbands Picture. How like him is their Model; their brief Picture Quickens my Tears: my sorrowes are renew'd At their fresh sight.
1609 Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Folio 1664) II ii It's fit it should be so; for Princes are A modell which heaven makes like it self: As Jewels lose their glory, if neglected, So Princes their Renownes, if not respected. T'is now your honour (Daughter) to entertain The labour of each Knight, in his device.
Romeo and Juliet V iii („unassigned“) Sweete Tombe that in thy circuite dost containe, The perfect modell of eternitie:
1595 King John V. vii. 58 And then all this thou seest, is but a clod, And module of confounded royalty.
1602 All's Well that ends Well IV. iii. 102 Come, bring forth this counterfet module, has deceiu’d mee, like a double-meaning Prophesier.
mould, moulded in King Henry IV King Henry V King Henry VIII King John King Lear Coriolanus Hamlet Macbeth Measure for Measure A Midsummer Nigh’ts Dream Pericles Richard II The Taming of the Shrew Troilus and Cressida The Winter’s Tale
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