![]() in the range of „Modell“ , „Model“, „Modul“ (personal, tentative)
at the bottom: translated publications in the field
for the articles: The Concept of Model and its Triple History The Concept of Model: Definitions and Types Model history is culture history
From the Dictionary
Model m <-s; -> 1. Southern G., Austrian, and Swiss (wooden) ballet (od. biscuit) mold (bes. Br. mould). 2. (textile) (Muster beim Zeugdruck) block 3. tech. block. Modeldruck m <-(e)s: -e> (textile) block printing.
Modell n <-s; -e> 1. (Muster, Vorbild, Urform) model. 2. (Modellkleid) model (dress) 3. (Ausführung) model, type, design 4. (Nachbildung) mock-up 5. (art) model: für jemanden Modell stehen (od. sitzen), jemandem als Modell dienen to (serve as a) model for someone, to pose for someone, to sit to someone. 6. cf. Mannequin. 7. (literature) model, prototipe. 8. tech. (Erstkonstruktion) prototype. 9. metall. (in Giesserei) pattern. 10. tech. (beim Kopierfräsen) master form. 11. print. print. 12. (massstabgetreue Verkleinerung von Schiff, Flugzeug etc) model.
Modelleur m <-s; -e> modeler, bes. Br. modeller, molder, bes .Br. moulder. Modellformer m metall. patternmaker, Br. pattern-maker. Modellgips m casting plaster. Modellierbank f (der Bildhauer) banker. Modellierbogen m cardboard sheet for cutting out models. modellieren v/t <no ge-, h> 1. (nachbilden) model. 2. tech. (art) model , form, shape, fashion, mold, bes. Br. mould. Modelliermasse f plasticine. Modellierton m model(l)ing clay. Modellierwachs n molding (bes. Br. Moulding) wax. Modellkleid n model (dress). Modellmacher m metal. patternmaker, Br. pattern-maker. Modelltischlerei f metall. (Giesserei) wood pattern (making) shop. Modellvertrag m econ. prototype contract. Modellzeichner m 1. tech. pattern drawer. 2. (art) model drawer. modeln v/t <h> 1. mold, bes. Br. mould, form. 2. (Butter) roll (od. stamp) a pattern on. 3. colloq. (anpassen) modulate. 4. colloq. (ändern) change.
Langenscheidts Enzyklopädisches Wörterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache. Teil II: Deutsch-Englisch. 1. Ed. 1975; identisch 1999.
Synonyms (noun): archetype, copy, design, ectype, example, facsimile, image, imitation, mold, original, pattern, prototype, replica, representation, type. A pattern must be closely followed in its minutest particulars by a faithful copyist; a model may allow a great degree of freedom. A sculptor may idealize his living model; his workmen must exactly copy in marble or metal the model he ha made in clay. The archetype is the original form, actual or ideal, in accordance with which existing things are made; a prototype is either the original or an authenticated copy that has the authority of the original. See: example, idea, ideal.
Funk & Wagnalls: New International Dictionary of the English Language. Comprehensive Edition. World Publishers 1987.
Translations of publications in the field of “model” are rare
Besides the Translations of James Clerk Maxwell (e. g. by Ludwig Botzmann 1895/98) and William Thomson and the works of Ernst Mach (1883;1905), Heinrich Hertz (1894), Pierre Duhem (1903-06) and Henri Poincaré (1890; 1902-08) we have:
Percy W. Bridgman: Dimensional Analysis. New Haven: Yale
University Press 1922, mehrere ed. bis 1963; Reprint New York: AMS Press 1978; Percy Williams Bridgman: The Logic of Modern Physics. New
York: Macmillan 1927; Neudruck 1960; Reprint Salem N. H.: Ayer 1993; Alfred Tarski: Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen.
Studia Philosophica 1, 1935, 261-405 (urspr. Diss. in Polnisch, Warschau 1933);
Rudolf Carnap: Logische Syntax der Sprache. Wien: Julius Springer 1934,
2. ed. 1968; Alfred Tarski: Grundzüge des Systemenkalküls I/II. Fund.
Math. 25/26 (1935/36), 503-526; 283-301; Ivor Armstrong Richards: The Philosophy of Rhetoric. New
York: Oxford University Press 1936, 2. ed. 1967; Rudolf Carnap: Foundations of Logic and Mathematics. Encyclopedia of
Unified Science, Vol. 1. No. 3. University of Chicago 1939, 1967; Max Born: Experiment and theory in physics. 1943; erneut
1956; Gaston Bachelard: L'air et les songes. Essai sur l'imagination du
mouvement. Paris: Corti 1943, 18. ed. 1994;
Erwin Schrödinger: Science and Humanism. Cambridge
University Press 1951; John Everard: Artist’s Model. London 1951; Stephen Edelston Toulmin: The Philosophy of Science. An
Introduction. London: Hutchinson 1953, mehrere ed. bis 1969; George Polya: Induction and analogy in mathematics.
London: Oxford University Press/ Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press
1954, 2. ed. 1968; Kenneth Clark: The Nude. 1956;
Patrick Suppes: Models of Data. In Ernest Nagel, Patrick
Suppes, Alfred Tarski (Ed.): Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.
Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, Stanford, California: Stanford
University Press 1962, 252-261; Rolf Janke: Das moderne Architektur-Modell. Stuttgart: Hatje 1962; Neuaufl. u .d. T. : Architekturmodelle. 1978, zweisprachig, dt.-engl. Thomas S. Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
The University of Chicaco. 1962; Karl Wolfgang Deutsch: The Nerves of Government. Models
of Political Communication and Control. New York: Free Press of Glencoe 1962,
2. erweiterte ed. 1966; Max Black: Models and Metaphors. Studies in Language and
Philosophy. Ithaca/ New York: Cornell University Press 1962; John Rawlings: The photographer and his model. London: Hamlyn
1966; Gyorgy Kepes (Ed.): Module, proportion, symmetry,
rhythm. New York: Braziller/ London: Studio Vista 1966; Georg Kreisel, Jean-Louis Krivine: Eléments de logique mathematique.
Théorie des modèles. Paris: Dunod 1967; Robert Dawson: Starting with Sculpture. The elements of
modelling and casting. London Studio vista 1968; Th. Klimek: Zur Bedeutung von engl. "imagination" und "fancy". Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 12, 1968, 206-231. John R. Raser: Simulation and Society. An exploration of Scientific
Gaming. Boston 1969;
Raymond Boudon: Modèles et méthodes mathématiques. In: Tendances
principales de la recherche dans les sciences sociales et humaines. Paris-La
Haye: Mouton/ UNESCO 1970, 629-685; Guy R. Williams: The world of model ships and boats. New
York: New York: Putnam/ London: Deutsch 1971; Albert Bandura (Ed.): Psychological Modeling. Conflicting Theories. N. Y. 1971; Patrick Rivett: Principles of model building. The
construction of models for decision analysis. London: Wiley 1972; Herbert von Einem: Michelangelo. Bildhauer,
Maler, Baumeister. Berlin: Mann 1973; Joseph E. Shorr: Psychotherapy though imagery. New York:
Intercontinental Medical Book Corp. 1974, 2. ed. New York: Thieme-Stratton/
Stuttgart, New York: G. Thieme Verlag 1983; erneut Santa Barbara: Fithian Press
1994; Max Black: More about Metaphor. Dialectica 31,
1977, 431-457; Jerome Leonard Singer: The power of human imagination. New York: Plenum 1978: Bernard d’Espagnat: A la recherche du réel. Le regard d’un physicien. Paris
George Lakoff, Mark Johnson: Metaphors we live by.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1980; 11. ed. 1996; Anatol Rapoport: Mathematische Methoden in den Sozialwissenschaften.
Würzburg: Physica-Verlag 1980; Charles Hampden-Turner: Maps of the Mind. 1981; Hilary Putnam: Reason, Truth and History. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press 1981; Ian Hacking: Representing and Intervening. Introductory Topics in
the Philosophy of Natural Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1983; Wolfgang Brezinka: 'Modelle' in Erziehungstheorien. Ein Beitrag zur
Klärung der Begriffe. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 30. Jg., 1984, 835-858; Hilary Putnam: Representation and reality. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press 1988, 2. ed. 1992; Philip N. Johnson-Laird: The Computer and the Mind. An Introduction
to Cognitive Science. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1988;
James Rumbaugh et al.: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design. Englewood
Cliffs N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1991; Jean-Pierre Dupuy: Aux origines des sciences cognitives. Paris: Ed. la Découverte 1994, 2. ed. 1999; Michael Gross: Model. The ugly business of beautiful women. New York
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